
Oh sure, but when I dress up in a furry costume and grab a small white girl in Utah, it's all FBI this, and Amber Alert that.

"How'd he get back up?"

Are we sure Edwards wasn't merely reporting Peter Gammon's latest tweet?

This video was even better with the scenic views of Denver. Good thing they didn't have to do this over Cincinnati; their skyline is complete shit.

That's likely the only way to get a Cam to the championship game.

Freedom Fries for everyone!

This is oso good.

I remember 65 million years ago when Boshing was the new thing.

Kids are also Wade-ing, where they remove all the cartilage from their knees, only show up to 50% of the school days, and stay in class after all the other kids have left to argue grades.

In keeping with the golf theme, -1.

Oh man, he is going to be so confused later when people ask him what his handicap is.

Typical selfish musician going out there alone and tooting his own horn.

Just like your mom screamed last night, elitist.

Most of these writers were Buono voters, anyway.

Jesus, Dan really burned a lot of bridges yesterday. Thankfully, those bridges had already been closed by Chris Christie.

Ohhh, there's the midget!

Look, if Tim Tebow was your new co-worker, you'd be trying hard to help him find another job too.

What's really amazing is he caught it even though everything spins in the opposite direction down there.

Wow, it's almost like I noticed that while captioning the photo!

He's still got a left hand, after all.