
He won't be on the street long. Buzzfeed has been salivating over his writing style since they read that letter.

Kitchen later thanked the ref for Halperin out.


And that my friend, is everything wrong with America summed up in one sentence

Footrace Between Drunk Bears, Fans Ends Exactly As It Should

Holy shit, a completion in Oakland.

All hail the MAC lineman. Not big enough to go to Ohio State, but big enough to stop by your house and collect your gambling losses.

Random portlandian makes fun of a local guy named terry.

Portlandian didn't check which street he was on

Terry busts three caps in portlandian's ass

Portlandian died of dissin' Terry.

Hopefully this kid takes solace in the fact that he's the healthier of the two.

Clearly, that guy is pissed off...but the guy behind him is Angerer.

Now playing

This video includes the live audio feed from the student broadcast, as they are crashed into:

Huh. I like the Amber Ale, the Two Hearted, and the Oberon. But when I tried the Palsy I wasn't impressed.

I love the "who gives a shit" vibe on the pronunciation bit.

How To Make Football Players Lose Their Minds: Let Them Play Football

Man, this is so depressing, its like...what..another few months until my contract is up and I can get a new phone? This world is cruel.

3.) In Massachusetts, It's Illegal To Have A Bro Truck

It's the whole reason to spend $15 (plus fees) for one of these monstrosities.

thereby reiterating the fact that nothing good can come from three months of brewing in Milwaukee.

It seems like every time you guys post a story about Turner Field it involves a Braves fan who could use a good railing.