
One of the things that struck me about the baby shower and the last scene is that it's finally summer! Has it ever been full summer on Orphan Black before? My general impression is of people bundled up in coats, leafless trees, brown grass and snow, and sometimes I wondered about the timeline — had we somehow

Hell Wizard was near the grill. He was the one who noticed the jam on the hamburger buns.

I started my rewatch today, and I'm amazed how much there is, right from the beginning, if you look closely. I remember the first time around, noticing that Alison's birth certificate looked a lot like mine except that it didn't say "Ontario" anywhere. But the props people put a lot of effort into creating other

Six Feet Under did, in a rather unusual way.

Yes, in the Beth flashbacks, an officer said that Felix had been arrested for possession, solicitation, and public urination ("That was a performance piece, and I never should have been charged!")

I had to rewind to check: Orange is the baby Helena says is "very strong." And yes, Orange is the baby she names after Donnie, who she admired because he was "strong like baby ox."
The naming scene opens with a shot of the cross marking where Helena buried the embryos in Alison's garden; her other bebies are not

It's so nice to hear that Donnie is still involved with concrete floors. Though now it's in an "all architectural and creative" kind of way, instead of just, you know, hiding the occasional corpse!

I thought Richings was just about perfect as Death on Supernatural.

Her character has always seemed a little off. I suppose the writers didn't want too many characters completely evil. At the top of the scale this season: Neolution cop (kill her a LOT, please!) and PT/John who is obviously utterly selfish.

Well, we were all wondering what had happened to them. Had Mark died yet? Was Gracie all alone somewhere? But this kind of closure was not what I wanted.
But the way Mark died did restore some dimension to Coady's character, making me think of her as human (if only for a few minutes). She followed orders and killed

It's one of the things Neolution should have been planning to study. Think of the implications for the multibillion-dollar hair colour industry! Though Helena's permanently dark roots look may not be for everyone.

Helena was singing along with the Troggs, so maybe that was it. It was cute, though not as cute as her version of "Sugar sugar" a few seasons ago.


I was assuming it would be a dream, too. And I'm not sure if it makes it more or less likely, but the gallery is actually Felix's loft, made over with a lot of curtains and paint. You can see his window-walled bathroom in the corner, the shelf with the bottles, a few of the round-topped windows.
It might be real if

Well, she trained as a mechanic when she joined the ATS in World War II. There were pictures of her changing a tire and doing something to the engine of a truck (guess that would be a lorry?). So maybe she really did enjoy it!

Yes! I was looking forward to seeing her clip. It should to be something with multiple clones; what would they choose? But there was nothing. Somehow, the first scene I thought of was Krystal meeting Sarah ("So… this is what you think I look like?'). Maybe not her most dramatic moment, but so much fun!

Actually, that is John Colicos as Kor, according to Canada Post's description. https://www.canadapost.ca/w…. And IMDB's page for John Colicos has the same picture.

"Its possible Old Guy is the descendent of this Neo founder they keep talking about."
Yes, I think we're supposed to connect the group in the eye visions to Westmorland. On the huts in the vision there are three of those circle/hexagon symbols that are painted on the windows in Rachel's room. Didn't Susan say that

Spirit animals!
Anyone who has given up on the after show missed Jordan Gavaris expressing his love for Krystal by doing a glorious impression of her: "She's basically my spirit animal. When you know your spirit animal, you're, like, in your spirit. So that's, like, you're great. Thank you."

That has to be leading somewhere, doesn't it? I'm hoping for an Eve/Adalind showdown. Maybe we could get rid of Eve (without having to watch her turn back into Juliet)?