
I wonder if the writers originally planned to have Renard put his "family" together much earlier? For the show as a whole, it's more dramatic to do it now. But as a political tactic, one that Rachel recommended quite a while ago, it would only work if he produced them during the campaign, not during his victory

Savage tells Rip that he held dozens of his children as they perished from old age. I guess this is supposed to remind us that immortality isn't as much fun as one might think. But in 1975, Savage was able to share his immortality with his followers, and he now tells Martin that it involved using Carter's blood. If

Ray: "I was just making sure he was ok."
Kendra: "I think most guys would be more inclined to smother him with a pillow."
I think many viewers would be reaching for that pillow, too. Perhaps Carter can just remain unconscious? He might be less boring that way.

They might have had something to slip into her food to suppress her powers a bit. Again, it's awful and it's child abuse, but it would be one way for normal humans to get her through the "terrible twos" (though technically I guess she's only about two years old now?). Maybe the Black Claw team that grabbed her should

And her voice and expressions were less robotic than usual. Disturbing!

"Lucy is her only non-relative non-boss female relationship"

So in Season 2, when Ramon delivered a flower arrangement from Alison with a gun hidden inside, he looked surprised to see two women who looked exactly like her. But now we find that he had already seen a clone, while delivering a flower arrangement with a bottle of pee hidden inside.
Alison must trust Ramon a lot to

Kevin Hanchard as himself always looks at least ten years younger than he does when he's playing Art!

The town is the Bordertown set in Maple Ridge, BC. It shows up in quite a few things — Supernatural, Psych, some silly disaster films I watched when I was too tired to change the channel… They just repaint the buildings and hang new signs.

In The Girl in the Fireplace, Reinette had a friend played by Angel Coulby (Gwen from Merlin)

Ok, I'm just going to toss out my theory about the "hope" thing for next week (though the idea about Supergirl's chest is fun too!). Could it just be images of families? The conversation on the Balcony of Deep Thoughts started with Cat talking about looking at the park, watching "mothers pushing their strollers, kids

That would be fun! And I can imagine an "ordinary schlub" picking a name like Vandal Savage in an attempt to sound cool and dangerous.
Sorry, it seems that the name has a long and respectable history in the comics, but I still find it hard not to giggle when anyone says it.

I was assuming that Kendra was a library clerk, and either didn't know or didn't care about the distinction. I actually knew a library clerk, in a small library in the 80s, who had no idea. A patron came to the circ desk and asked to speak to a librarian, and she gave him a puzzled look and said "We're all

Thank you! I went back and listened three times, and it's "till price doesn't matter." I had heard "till" as "the" (maybe I need my hearing checked) but have no idea why I added "so" to that. So Benito's change makes a lot more sense now, and maybe good customer service means giving a customer what he wants even if

So Winn has analyzed Kara's typing speed? I'd love to know how fast she can type when nobody's looking. For one thing, it would provide a benchmark for Angel's Harmony Kendall, who claimed she could type like a superhero, if there was a superhero whose power was typing!

The mask-maker's behaviour doesn't really make sense. At the beginning, he tells Goyo "You're not ready for a mask like that, so the price doesn't matter" and he seems to feel genuine regret over the two wrestlers who had worn his Wesen masks in the past. And at that point, at least, he doesn't sound like the money

I love the way the apron scene was framed, moving slowly past Monroe's wall of cuckoo clocks. We've seen so many scenes in that house, but I don't remember that angle before. There's something about it that feels so intimate; we are in Monrosalee's home, and it's so uniquely theirs.

And also because, while nobody suggested it was related to the Cross, they came SO close, then backed away again. Hank said "Maybe it's some kind of important stick that belongs to a bigger… piece of wood that… means something to somebody." Wu took it a step closer with that "stick-mata" crucifixion reference.

I was wondering about that scene! Although it was fun to see her displaying an unexpected talent (and also fun to see Monroe getting a little turned on by it!), I was assuming that Rosalee picked up contemporary Irish. I recall enough of my Middle English Literature course to know that a few centuries make a big

Maybe. When Trubel was looking at the big screen on the wall and it was showing the Black Claw guy (before she went to fetch Meisner and show him), weren't there a couple of other people using computers in the same room? I remember wondering why she got to use the big screen when the others just had laptops or