
We are well past that, we are in pain, suffering, and humiliation territory. I wouldn’t even answer the phone for less than a 100% increase, and I probably wouldn’t accept that.

That man is a dream plaintiff. I can’t wait to see how much United loses.

Agreed. I’m a lawyer and I would say YES they did.

I understand, but I just don’t care.

Is this a rule though? I feel like it is irresponsible to get police enforcement involved when the man paid for his ticket and had every right to be there. It wasn’t his fault that United overbooked.

United’s response to this has just been awful. Amazing that they’re still just sending the “please contact law enforcement” bullshit deflection response to requests for comment. They are currently being crucified in the court of public opinion across the internet. Reddit’s ready to burn their corporate headquarters

This is absolutely no comment on how I feel about how United handled that girl but Holy False Equivalency, Batman.

If only there were some way to keep airlines from selling more seats than are physically available in a plane.

Yes, that’s exactly how I wash windows. Welcome to the conversation

My bf told me last night that I am the only woman he’s ever been with who doesn’t shave her legs (or more sensitive bits) every day. I was like, uhhh, either that chick was crazy/had the least sensitive skin known to woman/is neurotic about shaving, or the ones you weren’t living with and didn’t see everyday just

I don’t get the hate. Like...we’re in a time where so many people talk about not washing their hair everyday. And that’s a good thing! Cause it’s over-washing. But that same logic isn’t applied to legs...which don’t get nearly as sweaty as a person’s scalp. Also most of us here are women who shave every couple

If you’re washing every square inch of your body, congratulations, you’ve been played by the beauty industry into using more products than is necessary. If we ever meet and you can tell I don’t wash my legs, I’ll give you $500. In fact, I’d bet you’ve never met a person whom you could tell didn’t wash their legs.

In a bath, you should scrub every part of your body because you are literally wallowing in your own filth. A shower? Nah, the work isn’t diner for you.

Yeah, I have never heard of doing this and I am shocked by the visceral reaction the author received in her first post.

Uhhhhh. Only psychopath clean freaks legit soap and wash their legs. This has been known since Seinfeld taught Kramer how to shower.

One of my favorite stories to tell is the time my brother-in-law came home from work and my stay-at-home sister announced that they were eating take-out because her day had been hell. He angrily responded with “What do you mean you didn’t cook dinner? What do you do all day?” She proceeded to show him — by not

I was at a wedding recently where the 3-year-old ring-bearer was with his dad (a groomsman) and the other groomspeople all day. The kid’s mom was a bridesmaid and was with the bride.

Omg omg omg. So my husband took a day off work a few months back alleging that he would do some cleaning and laundry. Which he did like one load pshhh, I get home after working all day and he’s playing video games (in a still messy living room) and he looks at me and says, “So what are you thinking for dinner?” I

It’s more complex than that. For example, there are men who are under the impression that they are participating in a 50/50 split at home, but it’s more like 70/30. It’s just that they were raised by a generation where the split was 90/10, so it seems more equal. There are also a lot of things that happen right around