
White people names.

She was originally going to go with Summer Eve, but decided that would be too douchey...

Goddammit, how do these people sleep at night? Or does their hatred fuel the fire so they just don't have to?

Why is there an article dedicated to one girls suicide? Thousands of people commit suicide every year. What is so unique about this one? A girl has sex with multiple boys, someone films it, she is harassed at school, and kills herself. We have heard it all before.

Soooo, this baby weighs as much as my 16 week old. My 16 week old, who was 7lbs12 oz at birth, gave me a fourth degree tear anyway. Fuuuuuuuuuuck..... That woman is a superhero!

Whether you believe it or not, this does happen, and most of the moms are, after they overcome the shock, really normal, good mothers. In mist cases, there is good reason for denial, or for blaming the symptoms on other stuff. Especially with young women who have not yet witnessed pregnancy in friends, still have

Calling a newborn baby obese is pretty judgmental; it kind of sounds like you are blaming the mother for the size of her infant. And some women don't get their periods regularly and so would not notice a pregnancy until it becomes visibly noticeable.

Are you really fat shaming a baby?

"When I felt his head come out, I knew he was bigger than 10 pounds," Ford told WFLA. "I was cussing up a storm."

Don't be a jerk.

I've reached a point in my life where I just roll my eyes and stay quiet if I ever overhear some asshole's racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc. rant. It's not worth wasting breath or energy to argue. People have stupid opinions all the time and blasting every last person who has one is an exercise in futility.

99% of serial killers have eaten carrots multiple times within their lifetime.

As others have said, the anti-vax crowd is especially dangerous because they're not only endangering their own children by failing to get them protected against terrible diseases. They're endangering us all by allowing diseases that should be completely under control to have outbreaks.

Do you have to portray autistic people as giant babies? I understand what you're trying to convey, but autism is a massive spectrum and we aren't all drooling children. If you really want to help these parents, why not advocate for more resources for parents of disabled children?

The real cause is actually fairly well known...In the 90s we redefined Austism from a narrow specific issue to the Autism Spectrum. Also there was a massive educational push on it. Go figure...you redefine the term to include millions more and train people to look for it and you get an increase.

Actually, the whole vaccinations cause autism thing was started because a doctor falsified a study so that he could later try to sell his vaccine.

Having a terrible problem to contend with is no excuse for creating a terrible problem for others. The anti-vaccine movement is NOT harmless. It causes real harm in the form of spreading communicable diseases. It also takes focus away from actually finding the real causes of autism so it is not only harmful to others

Pointing out something is pseudoscience is not mocking.

The first time I came across this idea was in college, when a professor gave us this example:

A coincidence doesn't turn from anecdote into data just because it happens to you.