
The fake sneeze!

There’s a slightly longer video in which she goes under the table and emerges with the tablecloth draped over her head and stands there for a moment while Serious Sports Journalists take photos of her with their phones.

But only after 12, ‘cause otherwise we’d all drink instead of going to church!

YES. This - “[Marie] plans to return to France next month, where she’ll simply arrive at the airport and ask to be deported.” made me really mad.

I always make sure to get the ones with the snaps or the cutout in the vag area. And if they don’t already have one, I make one. I’m uninterested in yeast infections and I’m also uninterested in trying to shimmy those things off and back on every time I have to pee.

Enjoying the difference between his face in the image and his face in the courtroom sketch. Pastel Dzhokar seems much angrier than grainy surveillance Dzhokar.

The thing that I find most appalling is the “no books” ask. He hates when you try reading to him? What happens when you try doing anything else that’s good for him?

“As Thanksgiving is approaching, we would suggest no more food options beyond the chicken fingers he wants to eat.”

We were in the car. He'd just picked up the mail (we'd been traveling) and the antique ring he'd bought had arrived. He said my full name and I said "What? Here? Really?" and he said "Yes, deal with it," and asked, and we got married a year later.

But can it make you as beautiful, youthful, sparkling, radiant and gay as milk?

Buns Mechanic.

This sounds PERFECT.

Been there. Twice. Both times were long weekends on Nantucket complete with sailing, huge brunches, rented houses, mani/pedis and other rich lady activities. Some of the bridesmaids flew to the island from New York City. There was absolutely no way I was going to afford even a tiny bit of it. I felt bad, but not


What kind of dog do you have? Mine also only eats when he's hungry. I was nervous at first (he's my first dog!) but the vet said it's just how he is.

And a low back! Ugh it's perfect, she's perfect in it.

She looks like she's being censored.

There's no contraindication against getting the MMR, even if you've had it before. I'm getting mine next week (I know I had the series as a kid, but I had mumps in 2008 and I don't trust my immune system). I'm taking a friend who's never had any vaccines for her MMR, too!

And if you do get it, and it kills someone's grandma? If it kills someone with pre-existing medical conditions? If it kills someone's kid? I guess it just means they get there a bit sooner than they intended.

In my home state, the Department of Health is notified by the CDC when someone who has recently entered the US from Sierra Leone/Guinea/Liberia arrives. (I believe it's the same in other states.) Based on CDC guidance, each person is asked to self-monitor, taking their temp twice a day and reporting to the Department

I was just charged for my generic norethindrol (Camila or something, there are 1000 names for the same thing) and when I called the insurance company they told me it's because only the name brand is available without a copay. Even though that makes literally no sense. Insurance companies are so goddamned weaselly.