
Every time I read about those places, I look longingly at a box of matches.

Once you put principles ahead of people you can just fuck all the way off.

That does seem weird, and I’m wondering if the fundraiser isn’t in part an effort to get people (literally, I guess) invested in Sarah’s story and generate public pressure. I couldn’t really fault the family for doing what they think has the best chance of success.

I am of meagre means at the moment and can’t spare any money for a donation, but I will wish all kinds of luck for Sarah... No one should have to fight to merely “be”. I wish her a happy and productive life, away from the sort of insanity she’s being forced to endure.

I’m disappointed at the lack of a “BURN THIS FUCKER DOWN!” stretch goal, but I suppose subjecting them to public scrutiny will work too.

Conversion camps are horrible and I hope this young woman gets out, but.

Except it's not forcing her to change because you can't change gay. So in essence they're forcing her to get really good at pretending or to actively hate and deny herself.

How about a college fund and a fund to also help sue the shit out of her parents?

She’s probably being “home-schooled” while she’s there. Which from what I’ve seen of most home-schoolers around here consist of nothing but chores and hours upon hours of bible verses. They are taught that pretty much every bio-science advancement of the last 200 years is a lie and an affront to god.

It should be a Federal crime to operate one of these grotesque things.

It’s sure as hell what I would do. I’d be fucking everyone who’d let me. Right in front of the counselors. What would they do, send me to another camp?


It’s amazing what Freedom of Religion let’s people get away with.

How is this not considered child abuse? I can’t believe the government continues to allow these facilities to exist when they know that no one is there by choice. These people, including her parents, should all be in jail. Let them stay there a year without say.

They really are monsters and should lose custody of the girl. Thank goodness for the sane family members' intervention. I hope she hasn’t been scarred by whatever ridiculous bullshit they subject them to in these “camps”.

So essentially these parents have thrown their daughter away. When she gets out she is never going to speak to them. It would have been kinder had they just kicked her out. At least she could have gone to the family members who actually care for her.

Heaven help any poor child who’s raised with conservative religious beliefs.

That’s how a lot of people think. This past Friday, I hit up the local convenience store and I proceeded to walk my black ass home. I passed a group of young men, one of whom yelled at me: Don’t be leaving the house looking that ever again. I tire of the morality police.

Speaking as a Christian.

Her parents are surely the same type of bible thumping hypocrites that worry themselves over the “unborn”, but have no problem sending their actual living, already born daughter to a place that is effectively imprisoning her and forcing her to change who she is against her will.