
This baffles me. It’s so incredibly gross and it’s probably what the person who sexually assaulted me when I was 14 would say, too. Except he was a peer, he made me trust him and then abused me and nothing was done.

My husband was a total spaz as a youngster (his assumption about those years) and honestly had very

We really need to stop allowing monsters to cover themselves in Jesus like being Christian is some kind of cloak of invisibility.

Not if paedophilia is normalised by then. Academics are pushing for it in England and others elsewhere too. It’s possible. And abhorrent.

Oh I know it does nothing to stop the urge. That’s why I threw the loss of fingers in there. But yeah, I’m not a violent person and definitely have my reservations about how we handle the death penalty here...but in this case, fucker needs to die and I would never apologize for feeling that way.

raping and sexually abusing almost 24 children between the ages of six months and 12 years.

In a general sense, it’s abhorrent that someone could commit this crime and not automatically get life without parole. But I have a feeling that any parole board 25 years from now would take one look at the crimes and slam the “rejected” stamp on his application so hard it would break the table in half.

22 life year sentences but could be out in 25 years.

She has blond hair unlike that brown hair having hoe.

This is just me talking out of my ass, but I think T Swift has more chemistry with Karlie Kloss than she has any guy she's been linked with. That means nothing except I think she and Karlie should date (despite there being no evidence that either one of them is at all attracted to women). I just... the heart wants

I don’t understand how someone thinks that acceptable, especially since so many of the kink/BDSM people I know take consent super seriously. Nipping at someone’s shirt during a business transaction, without their permission, is like the illustration of non-consensual in my book. Also, I am pretty sure handling

yeah, don’t force other people to participate in your kink

Oh, hand knit? Nooo, you have no idea how much cursing that wool heard as it was being worked. Now it wants you to pay.

You know, in all honesty, I never trusted that purple hand-knitted scarf. Ever.

In French too. I’m shoving my vanity against the closet door. I needed new clothes anyways.

Williams emphasizes, however, that she does not want her clothes to “disappear” women.

I’m into it. Large chested bra options seem to be either dowdy or not made for natural breasts. A G cup bra with straps a centimetre thin are never going to be a good time.

Hey now, you don’t need the excuse of prohibition to have a bathtub full of gin!

I think there are some bigger questions. Like, what is this? Are they modelling? Why are they dressed so differently from each other? Why do some have hats? Why does one get to sit? Is she the leader? There are two other chairs. Why isn’t anyone else using them?

“Tilt that pie tin you call a hat at me one more time sister and see if I don’t stuff it up your bustel.”

Ain’t no side eye like Flapper side eye.