
She's very clearly not stating that all video games are bad, or that there aren't video games doing it correctly (her next video apparently focuses on this), but she is bringing awareness to issues that still exist and have existed in video games as a medium for a long time. This is an fyi, or a 'hey, you're missing

I do think it is really uncritical to argue that a trend does not need to be acknowledged because it is not as large as everything that is not that trend. It would be akin to saying that because there are more films that are not horrors than there are horror films, horror isn't a genre, just a random unique occurrence.

You're an idiot. She's pointing out a persistent trend, so she mentions examples of this trend. The fact that there are other games that buck the trend, or even that there are games which exhibit the trend yet are positive at other points in the story, is in all ways irrelevant.

I'm jumping in here, because I can't help myself. This "support the counter examples" argument is pretty spurious from my point of view.

This video does make a few points, but is glaringly wrong on a couple others.

Just wanted to toss my hat in here as someone who supports this.