A Million Ways to Die in Hyrule
A Million Ways to Die in Hyrule
Pitting the player against a docile computer-controlled character is a fine tutorial mechanic, but it’s not very…
On this week’s Kotaku Splitscreen, special guest Stephen Totilo and I talk about new video games, new gaming…
This article is a beautiful story, but it really needs a link to his Pokemon song. Honestly so good.
Haha. All three legendary hounds’ names follow similar Japanese etymology. Suicune comes from “suikun” (水君), which translates into “water monarch”. Entei (炎帝) means “flame emperor”. Raikou’s name has multiple references; its name can hypothetically be written in kanji as 雷皇 (“thunder emperor”), 雷公 (“thunder duke”) or…
how can i put this nicely. I’m a trini and he’s a fucking cunt. the end. Oh Asami, I wish you had more time enjoying the things you loved and the culture you immersed yourself without reservation in. I wish it did not end this way, and sadly I know that your murder may go unsolved. I wish someone stayed with you so…
Overwatch is, at the very least, a MOBA-like game. This means that it has some features that are similar to the ones…
I think this is the definition of “this is so meta”
If another player I know (i.e. friend, etc.) does the same move over and over and I have trouble defending it, I will actually go into 2p training and just have them spam it on me until I learn how to get around it. Losing to a spammed move is MY fault, not theirs.
Good quote! I do actually link Sirlin in this post, because you can’t really talk about playing to win without referencing him somehow. :)
If anything, this is absolute mastery of every element present in the game. He's making the -hardest- possible levels, without breaking the game and without making it impossible.
Varied, "challenging" levels that use every single mechanic present in the game in interesting ways.
That's good design, imo, it just doesn't…
Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?
I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."
I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary…
Prue Halliwell.
I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.
Nostalgia. Nostalgia never changes...
I don't think of "punished violently and brutally" as even part of the definition of Non-Playable Characters, no. I could see it as a possible option, but there's nothing inherent to NPCs or interactions w/ NPCs that makes violent punishment necessary or an inherent part of them. (No need to program "graphic…
Can we also just say giant, loving kudos to his mom/parents for NOT altering his body when he was a baby? ♥ It's probably a big reason why he seems to have a pretty healthy outlook and acceptance/celebration of himself.
It was once written (in the Bible, maybe?) that "two are better than one" and it's a statement true enough for a lot…