Ivan's Sister

Related (but only slightly): Does anyone else remember them being the Berenstein bears? They are actually the Berenstain bears and there are some next-level conspiracy theories out there as to why their name has changed.

My wife and I have solved this problem by not having children.

Working pretty well.

The Cubs also intend to have Jon Jay negotiate any treaties between the club and Great Britain.

He’s a mystery. All I know about Ray Liota is that I don’t want to be left alone in a room with him.

Seeing as everything I needed it for is now available for free, LastPass.

Could we maybe also drop the idea that if you don’t wear make up you don’t care about how you look or that you don’t care about yourself in general? Can’t we just make the choices we want and not worry about the different choices someone else makes? I know I know crazy. But I don’t wear makeup. I just never have.

Can we please get an “Idris Elba Photo Post” palette cleanser after this shit?

a big ol fuck up followed by some decent apologies / basic accountability feels like an honest to God palate cleanser at this point.

Also a good movie! But yeah, Moonlight is a whole ‘nother thing.

It may not be as pretty, but your mouth won’t care.

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

Woah woah woah, Ellie - Mom crush? He’s the crush for us all, thank you very much.

Helping them retrain is, aside from infrastructure projects, practically the platonic ideal of government stimulus spending.

Know where all these uneducated workers could have gone? Government-funded infrastructure projects. Guess which party was vehemently opposed to government spending? And guess which party Trump has now surrounded himself with? Enjoy being fucked even worse than before, poor white america. I would say you did this to

May this gif live forever.

81% of white evangelical Christians voted for Trump. I imagine this is where most of that 53% came from. I’m pissed off that people who claim to be Christians supported a candidate that was supported by the KKK.

Honestly, the fact that 53% of white women still voted for Trump after all things he’s said and done completely boggles my mind.

And Olga Diaz won her council seat in Escondido*! She’s awesome.

I voted for Kamala Harris in California. I felt proud to have her take the seat that Barbara Boxer left open. Two amazing woman.