Ivan's Sister

someone help me, what is in his hair.

Jesus, every fucking game is Salute to the Military night.

Marine here again. I can’t stand how conflated “the flag” has become with “the military.” I also can’t stand the knee-jerk “patriots” whose default position toward the military is genuflection, and anyone who fails to bend the knee is shunned. These are not the hallmarks of a free society.

A side question: At what point did “Support the Troops” morph into “Worship the Military?”

Well, Redford, your opening sentence certainly falls under the ‘WHIMSY’ tag.

I’m not particularly attractive, but I “get away with” not wearing makeup by not giving a flying fuck.

Like Harper, Stan Rizzo always has a target on him.

On the note of decentralization, why do they force a CITY to host (almost) the whole thing*? Spread it around the whole damn country (although I think your multi-country idea is even better).


Tangentially related to the Doc Gooden situation: Drug Rehabilitation in this country is a disgrace. My brother developed an addiction through the all to common pain killer to heroin route. He lost his job and through a very long and painful process finally made it apparent to him that he had a problem and needed to

Shout out to all the amazing women who slayed the Olympics but a special shout out to my black girls who slayed in fields that weren’t always so inclusive I see you Simone Manuel you inspire poc to learn how to swim! I see you Simone Biles you show little black girls they can do anything if they their mind to it. I

This is stupid. If the defense gives you an entire side of the infield and you can’t get a hit the problem is with the batter not the fielders. Crap, lay down a bunt if you can’t do anything else, you have nearly 90 feet of space empty only 90 feet away.

Is this the same coach? He seems great.

And he did it. Finished 8th. After shitting himself multiple times, passing out cold, and nearly collapsing again at 3:11 (and only continuing after the exhortations of another walker).

I shat myself running once. Not even in an actual race, just a quick run around my neighborhood. I thought at first it was just gas, and then I thought maybe I could make it home in time, but no dice. I feel so badly for this poor guy... such an awful feeling, especially at the Olympics with all those people watching.

Really really really wish I could say that's never happened to me. But alas, life is measured by time between pants-shittings.

Kind of scary - those kinds of shits are indicative of severe dehydration. It’s basically your body giving up.

I love when you can see athletes enjoying their sport. The game can be so serious with everyone’s eye on the prize and not taking the moment to enjoy the whole deal.

Someone on Twitter referred to him as “Swim Shady” which is so brilliant, and I hope it catches on.
