Ivan's Sister

At first, I liked Jesse. He’s cute, knows his stuff. Really funny. Then I listened to Denzel Washington is the greatest...podcast. When he started talking about Zoe Zaldana as Nina Simone....WOOOOOOO. Fell. in. love. With that man. Real hard. He totally got it and the way he eloquently addressed how bad this film

My dumb ass was wondering why you were saying “press up up, (upside down up)(upside down up), up up up...

Show of hands, who read that as eats his own shit at a first glance?

Congratulations and I’m glad someone is out there having the kids I don’t want to have, LOL!

When otherwise stoic/emotionless Adrian Gonzalez makes fun of you, you probably do need to chill out.

I would think that passive cable theft is way down now since cable companies pretty much require you to have a box to get any channels now. I'm not sure but other cable companies, but Comcast even got rid of the over the air channels you could get by simply plugging in the cable directly from your wall to your tv.

This happened to me when I switched to one of those pills where you just get 4 periods a year. I just constantly spotted and never had a proper period. I switched back to a once a month pill that only has four off days so I barely get a period anyway now. Seems to work much better for me. And occasionally I skip the

What’s heartening is what I hear from my kids - every dance seems to include at least one kid (in a school of 500) who does the gender-alternative route. And the kids really don’t make as big a deal of it as the adults do. They don’t always agree with it, or understand it, but the fact that they tolerate it is

I am very concerned about the wage gap which clearly exists between me and Jennifer Lawrence.

I keep watching this and it makes me laugh harder every time.

I used the One for several years and now got the Blaze so I could track heart rate . I still like the simplicity and reliability of the One. The problem is that if it is completely sealed you get no ‘flights of stairs’ info. Therefore I’d like a small waterproof case for it to use when at a waterpark, for example,

I used the One for several years and now got the Blaze so I could track heart rate . I still like the simplicity and

For Bond, how about Takeshi Kaneshiro:

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to the love of my life Jo Seung-Woo. I don’t even know if he speaks English but I would yell SHUTUP AND TAKE MY MONEY at anything he was cast in. Anything at all. Could be Keeping Up with the Koreadashians or it could be Love in the Time of Seoulera and I would watch. I LOVE

Ken Watanabe!!

This is OT, but at the bottom of the page, where all the BS ads not blocked by ABP are, I saw this particular mashup. It made me uncomfortable.

Godfrey Gao, please and thank you.

I’m the Dean.

I hadn’t really seen anything he was in until Selfie. And now my desire for him burns bright and eternal.

If you use the term “females” instead of “women,” you’re probably sexist.