I use Mail Chimp!
I expect you’ll be sending out a newsletter using Mail Kimp?
People tell me I’m crazy, but I think JLD is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Post-Seinfeld JLD.
Seriously, I’ve been watching too much House of Cards and I’m scared someone’s gonna Frank Underwood this national treasure.
I do not feel closer to my loved ones at a cemetery. I also don’t think they’re actually there. I’m an atheist. I feel a rush of love and grief and memory at all kinds of moments. The fact that I don’t like to go to the cemetery and usually elect not to has nothing to do with how much I love the people I’ve lost or…
I give it 127 hours.
I’m not really with Madeleine on that one. First, most women have such strong brand preferences on tampons that a box of the wrong brand is almost worse than nothing; I’d legit run to 7-Eleven at 3 a.m. before I tortured my body with a Tampax again. Second, if a dude had tampons around, my first thought is going to be…
What about the joys of sneezing on your period? Or standing up after a long period of sitting and feeling ***the gush***
I’d love to keep the lights on in a hotel, however you usually need the keycard inserted to make the lights come on. This means when I leave I need to take the keycard with me else I won’t be able to get back in the room. Obviously for cheaper dives you can do this.
I like that the poor-man’s solution involves money.
BBQ pulled jackfruit. No contest.
For a meal, falafel.
I thought it was cream cheese. WHY COULDN’T IT HAVE BEEN CREAM CHEESE!?!
Vanity sizing is real (and clearly emotionally compelling). Any woman holding on too tightly to any arbitrary dress number is playing herself.
While this isn’t for me, the less-snarky aspect is that it is encouraging community in a society that is ever-more less-communal. As a young adult after college I moved to the other side of the country, lived alone, and had no community. This is one positive side of housing like this.