Ivan's Sister

I feel like we should leave hares alone. Bunnies are really nice.

I think the biggest problem with this is that the data is from Foursquare. I can’t speak for the country, obviously, but I don’t think it’s that popular. There’s probably tons of people that are not reflected in the data because hardly anyone uses Foursquare anymore.


Now playing

Welp, the first video was going to be good enough, but now my whole afternoon is going to be full of John Mulaney clips after you reminded me of that story. I hope you’re happy.

what if... that were the obvious point of this essay

Also known as the Seventh-Inning Kvetch

Let people check in one small-sized carry-on luggage for free, so EVERY SINGLE PERSON on the flight doesn’t have a carry-on.

I’m just glad your phone is charging. 13%, close one!

I would probably consider it if I was solo in a new place until I found a “real” place. The month-to-month, prefurnished part would be really nice while you were trying to sort out EVERY other part of your life that has been thrown into upheaval by moving cross-country or around the world.

wait, but what is jawn?

With Ilitch, it’ll just be swept under the rug.

Banknotes Harper for life!

So Kristen Stewart is....Taken?

I thought the same thing while reading the hardcover copy of Under The Dome. I can’t even read these books in bed. I have to be sitting upright with a pillow in my lap just to help support the book and give my arms a break.

Congrats to Rita Ora!

So I’m in on the joke enough to know it’s okay that I don’t know these two, but what I’m not sure about is if they’re the same people I didn’t know before, or different ones? I can’t really tell?

I find it delightful that she eats all that ridiculous shit, yet her name is Bacon.

I really can’t tell if it’s snow or sand. This is the blue/gold dress of 2016.