Ivan's Sister

Right. As much as the timestamps are humorous, these tweets would be awful any time of day.

I will MOW DOWN some pita chips, so I feel you.

How could I have forgotten about this!

Our options seem to be “he had a hot second there” and “we sent him to another team to do great things.”

Couldn’t hurt!

Bahaha! I think the only difference between them (at least in these two photos we’re using as examples) is that one has upturned eyes, the other has more downturned eyes.

!! This is A+.

I can’t wait for this. I saw a local stage production of this and cried my eyes out.

Me too. So the “go ahead and use it if it works for you” wasn’t a huge revelation here. (I do happen to use a specific face moisturizer though!)

This is hopefully the most disgusting thing I will read all day, but I guffawed at the notion of using it as a hackey sack.


I did salsa, cheddar, and I think I might have sauteed some greens too. It’s been a while.

The “think about it” really puts this over the top for me.

I love savory yogurt options - great ideas here.

I’ve done a savory oatmeal before. You ought to give it a try!


Exactly so. I’ve never watched a single moment of this show but for that video, and she looks exactly like the professional ballroom dancing I’ve seen (not that I’ve seen much). I don’t even want to watch the rest, she has to win it right? I love her so much.

I would never have recognized that as Pod without the reference to GoT. This is great!

I like the vanilla maple, too. Also the coconut. But you’re right, that chocolate is a nightmare. A few others that I’ve tried have been less than stellar too. With all that it says it doesn’t have on the label, my husband calls it my frozen water.

I had to bail out on it because I just wasn’t into it. I hadn’t heard of ANY of this before that episode.