Very related:
Very related:
I came here specifically to SEE it. :)
YES! I bought tickets to that on a whim and I’m so glad I did.
“Why is this movie so white?”
You and I might be married.
I happened to catch South Dakota while I was walking down the hallway at work, and saw the bit in Lakota, that was pretty cool, too.
I fully admit it and don’t give a shit. Crying.
Last year there were plenty of people Periscoping stuff (not actual panels that I saw, but I’m sure someone was). Chris Gethard walked around a bunch with it, and it made me think the same thing. Frankly it’s outgrowing its space, and it would be nice to be able to pay for a stream of panels, etc. They presumably…
Immediately after taking veraps’ advice up there to say thanks for teaching her what a gentleman isn’t. So that he knows why. Not that he’ll give a shit.
It still makes me laugh so hard that they called her Egg.
Clicked into the comments expecting just a sea of “WHO?” Thank you.
This guy will always be “The Eyeliner Guy From Lost” to me.
I don’t know how old you are, but my husband and I got into a discussion about his age versus Christian Slater’s. Malek is 35!
We just finished watching season 1 last week, and that’s the thing that blows me away. Slater looks so much like he did back then. Still so great!
I bought a pair of Mizuno Wave Rider 19s. I was actually just searching amazon for these yesterday, since I needed a new pair of running shoes. Today there was a 30% discount, and between that and some amazon reward points, I ended up getting the shoes (listed at $109) for $21.
I started watching the first episode after so many people were talking about Ben Affleck. I couldn’t make it through even his segment. And I LIKE sports. Simmons has a knack for pulling in good sportswriters (I like what I’ve seen of Grantland and The Ringer) but this show. Man.
I literally found out about this last week, when a facebook friend was posting about a strange rash on her son’s nose, and people were talking strep. Had no idea!
On a mobile can you see more than just his forehead/hairline?
I wasn’t ready for this as I scanned down to the comments, and I almost barked out loud laughing.