Ivan's Sister

That’s pretty much my comment as well.

Instead of telling me what to do, maybe they ought to help fix the food system that gets us to toxic cookie dough! (No way am I stopping.)

I’m just going to tell myself that in falling, he fell out of his shoes. The alternative is no good.

Bingo. My first thought on reading this was “well sure, they’ve got to leave work on time to go pick up the kids, run errands, etc.” I know it’s not always the mom doing this, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a high enough percentage to make a difference in results.

I can’t believe this is the same breed of dog.

“That’s real pain,” he said. “And whatever he might feel, it doesn’t touch the pain you are feeling as a grown, thinking, feeling woman.”

I went to a gun range one time and shot a pistol. It scared the shit out of me and I don’t ever want to do it again.

When I watched the “coming next week clip” and they showed a clip of Davos I decided that I’m pretty sure he’s going to get killed and I’m going to lose my mind.

I seriously came in here to say that’s the most lively I think I’ve ever seen him.

I’m a remote employee in San Diego for a company headquartered in Atlanta. At the end of last year, they made an announcement that jeans would now be considered OK as part of business casual and I laughed and laughed. I’m in the finance department, and I tend rather conservative anyway, but in southern CA jeans are

There are some regions that are undergoing this conversion right now, so I think there are definitely still regions where this happens, but the numbers are getting smaller and smaller.

Honestly. If I knew my husband used those terms in reference to me, I’d be mortified.


I’m a woman in her forties who has several Lands End dresses that are comfortable as shit and I’ll pair them with a cardigan.

I am dying at diamond and carbon pass. Excellent.


Right? I just moved, and I cannot find a mailbox anywhere. So this morning I walked to the post office, which was about a mile and a quarter from home. I was going to go out and walk for fitness anyway, just altered my route. It’s crazy!

That guy was exactly where I zeroed in. I’d say he looks like he’s going to eat Cruz’s soul, but that implies there’s something there to be eaten.


Boy, Riley’s diving into the hot topics at such a young age!