Ivan's Sister

I was going to say, that name brought back some serious memories. She was a fixture in California government all through my childhood/college days.

BINGO. I was bitching about how much stuff I am still trying to get done after moving four weeks ago, and a friend said “is there anything worse than moving?” and the one thing I could think of was trying to tie up someone’s estate. The more you have written down, the easier it will be for someone.

That’s exactly what I thought (and exactly how I feel about the movie - pleasantly entertaining).

I’m not seeing podcasts yet on my phone, but I am surprised it doesn’t have variable speed! I don’t necessarily use it all the time, but it does come in handy. (also a fan of Doggcatcher)

YES! How is this not at top of mind for everyone, honestly?

so many business use-a mail chimp!

What blows my mind is that this is the second story in what, a week or so, where someone was found and spelled out HELP. Weren’t there people on some tiny island that were found because they spelled it out with rocks/coconuts/whatever? I mean, really! Cartoons are true!

Thank you for this - I need to check that place out.

I considered it JUST for the all-star game. Still, we end up going to at least ten games a season. I was there last night, and am sort of glad the run didn’t count, because I felt like it would have been WORSE to have gotten our first run via a challenge. Sort of.

That’s what I thought too, and that was gross enough.

Honestly. I can’t even describe what size I am because man, does it really depend on the brand and piece of clothing involved.

Isn’t it great? And such a great skirt for twirling while dancing.

I’m a little surprised I had to scroll this far down to find something like this!

This looks like he’s eating a freeze dried crab or something.

Crazy aside since you mentioned County, I saw a headline today that LV ferris wheel sex guy got killed!

Right, give me a break.

I actually considered that option as well, wondering if maybe she was being abused by him, etc. Really, any outcome means the situation is terrible.

The please be merciful part was the most heartbreaking.

Thank you.

Seriously. I’ve hidden a handful of people who are posting incessantly, and just had another friend pop up who is starting one. I don’t need to see that.