Ivan's Sister

I lost it at “what if I tell you what I have in my kitchen.”

Yep. Financial security is like my A #1 priority. But I’ll jump out of a damn plane! Nice to see it isn’t as weird as it felt.

I just got this earlier this year. I can’t wait to use it!

These pictures make me so happy. Good cat.

That’s exactly how I feel about Owen Wilson. Sorry dude, I hate your face.

That’s sadly what I’ve seen. Like oh, she just gave money? She should be speaking! I am ambivalent about Taylor Swift but I swear she can’t please everyone.

Mulaney blew my mind with that. I too had no idea that had changed. (That is such a great special - the story about the boss in the rain slays me.)

I like that idea!

Right? I’m surprised it would only take 4 years. I feel like there has been highway construction in my city that’s lasted longer than that.

Ha! I worked for a defense contractor back in 1998 who was doing some subcontracting on the JSF. I can only imagine, EIGHTEEN YEARS LATER how much money that has consumed.

I have that in my queue!

He’s giving me 4 Non Blondes vibes.

I love “on’n poppin’. Go Snoop!

For me hell’s bells never went away. I say it all the time!

That felt so condescending to me. Ugh.

I really liked that book, and I too read a physical copy. The entire time I was reading it I was thinking I should have gone with the ebook just so I wouldn’t have to lug it around.

Oh good christ, here we go.

I did the briefest of googling and couldn’t find anything, and I don’t remember hearing that, but the thought of her and Doctor George as an item is boggling.

YES. I always pull it out of the applicator if I’m in that sort of pickle.

I’m 42 and only know it as Never Have I Ever. Having said that, I don’t think I’ve ever played it, so probably only know of it through media. (southern california if we’re doing geography)