Classic example of our failed educational system

Very interesting article. I think the problem is that people have been conditioned that the only way to get a response from a company is to make it worth it, as in hit them in the wallet. The majority of companies do treat their customers like numbers, and do only care about their problems if it will have a negative

Going 80 feet in the other direction is a great Notre Dame tradition that can be traced back to the student film crew.


"I did it for Gary"

There's nothing quite like the softening of authority figures

But how did Transylvania vote for Sosa?

I find it fitting that Tanaka only agreed to work for the Yankees after they promised there would be no A-bombs from A-Rod this year.

"Really Stroke It" - The Teddy Bruschi Story

Take $30 off all Kindle Fires with code "MAYDAY30"

Take $30 off all Kindle Fires with code "MAYDAY30"

No, those are the "nice" ones they made that say "Flower sniffin, kitty pettin, baby kissin corporate rock whores". I thought the same thing at first until you can see "corporate" in the one picture.

A Hat in Time still hasn't confirmed Wii U support.

Silly Robin. The Raptors got a bull. The T-Rex got the goat.

Shameless plug by NBC for Al Roker's new autobiography.

ACIV for Wii U is $35 on Amazon.

From the article:

Like I said, there are a lot of reasons and the article touches on internet providers strangling the market. I was just pointing out a major difference when comparing the US to most other countries.

I wasn't getting any more action one time, so I threw one in from behind. She wasn't receptive so I had to Decker too.

The US is far behind much of the world in internet speed, but a big part of that is density. The US population is spread out over much larger areas than most countries. This drastically increases the cost of infrastructure. I'm not saying its the only issue, but it is a big one that has to be considered when