Low hanging fruit, I don't take offense and your joke was good.
Low hanging fruit, I don't take offense and your joke was good.
It never ends well for Marshall when things start falling from the sky.
They thought it was dead so these high school boys jumped on it, scooped it up and scored while a bunch of people watched in astonishment.
So Schiano is a hard ass coach... If Eric Legrand taught us one thing, these players aren't going to stand for it.
At least Brett Favre can appreciate having a Johnson that's barely the size of his nose.
Bioshock Infinite, followed closely by Rayman Legends and Pikmin 3.
"20-something” ... on Xbox One
Thank you Mr. President.
There is no slight too trivial for disownment.
It's called tough love.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by their choice of video game console.
Somebody didn't go to business school.
Stop lying please.
No, it sounds like domestic assault. Or at the very least insider trading with intent to commit beastiality.
I feel the same way about neuticles.
Yeah, Sony stopped in the bathroom to do a quick line and got lucky. You win some, you lose some.
Seems about right. That makes Sony Kanye, and Nintendo is..... R. Kelly? I mean, I would let Nintendo pee on me. Did I just make this awkward?