Ivan Ooze

So homophobia is fine as long as you're dog whistling?

The tweet furthers a homophobic culture that kills people. Celebrating the tweet furthers a homophobic culture that kills people.

I was not aware of this. Kind of a shitty thing to do.

“During a strange course of events, West mistook Khalifa’s tweet referencing “KK” as a jab aimed at his wife, Kim Kardashian. The fight escalated to West telling Khalifa that he “owns” Khalifa’s and Amber Rose’s child. This was Rose’s cue to enter the ring and she promptly took West down by revealing his penchant for

My cousin loves it but she thinks Twilight is a great love story. My aunt was talking about great romances and how Twilight doesn’t compare. My cousin said Twilight was our generation great love story. My aunt gave her a look that could melt steel.

The reason they’re reporting on this crime is right in the headline: she’s the first trans woman to be murdered this year (that we know of). And then to add insult to injury, the statement issued by the police uses male pronouns and her birth name, which is something happens depressingly often. These two things

The police used incorrect pronouns and an incorrect name to identify her - in death, her correct and real gender is erased by people who should know better.

Can you explain how you reconcile posting this article and also an article with gleeful homophobic connotations one after the other? You’re participating in a toxic anti-LGBTQ culture in one post and bemoaning the tragic consequences of that culture in the next.

My favorite potential scenario: the DNC refuses to certify any of these new debates and sticks to its guns that anyone who participates in an unsanctioned debate can’t participate in the sanctioned ones. And then Sanders and Clinton both get disqualified and it’s just Martin O’Malley talking to himself at the next

The lady doth protest too much!

I feel like an idiot for not reading it this way. I thought she was trying to embarrass him by revealing something very intimate. I didn’t see anything homophobic in it until I started reading comments. My mistake.

Sweet baby jesus...thank you for saying this. The responses I got to my comments on the last Amber Rose/Kanye/ass/Twitter thing blew my mind. I said she was mos def trying to insult him and insinuate that he skews gay. And people were all up in arms. Acting like my own crazy beliefs were getting in the way of

Yeah but his ex-gf was the one shaming him for it and it definitely was homophobic and had it been any one else who tweeted it, Jez would have called them out on it. But since it was Amber Rose and Jez is determined to make her into some kind of feminist folk-hero, they’re acting like it’s not the case.

No people didn’t think he’s gay over fashion. and you guys can’t be this obtuse? Homosexuality in the black community is a thing people have been and are still dying over.

Perceived gayness is seen as a THREAT and people react to men being gay with extreme violence.

ya, fuck you then.

“I hope my son sees early on that not everyone gets a trophy,” said Bristol Palin, a person who is famous because of her talent, hard work, and thoughtful insights.

Wait, the fact they were lepers and discriminated against elsewhere was an urban legend? I thought that was a super obvious part of the story.

Holy shit, the anatomy on this image is absolutely disgusting. If I had purchased this comic, I would immediately stop at or before this panel and demand my money back.

ugh that is the absolute worst side of marvel

I had a wonderful PI. He was just GREAT, very supportive, etc, but he was old and had ideas, however ingrained, about how men and women were to act. So while he supported countless women in his lab, I would be talked to for being “tactless” in during debates and conversations. I wasn’t tactless, there just wasn’t a