Ivan Ooze

I’m not defending the guy. He’s an ass. Doesn’t exonerate anyone from attacking him on homophobic grounds.

Look, all it takes is a cursory glance at hip-hop blogs or popular rap lyrics to understand the cultural mileau from which Rose’s comments were hurled. If you can’t be bothered to educate yourself on the topic you’re discussing, it might be best not to offer an opinion.

The stigma around a man receiving anal sex is nakedly homophobic. It’s considered shameful because it deviates from acceptable heteronormative sex acts and is associated with gay sex. Whether or not heterosexual people do it, too, has no bearing on that. If you’re willing to perform the mental gymnastics necessary in

I find it difficult to believe that anyone who has ever so much as attended high school has no conception of the homophobic nature intrinsic in misgendering a man accused of being gay/like a gay person.

First of all, for some context, Kanye West is probably the most non-homophobic rapper in mainstream hip-hop. Obviously the guy is a brazen misogynist and his treatment of Amber Rose is disturbing in the extreme, but West has gone to bat for the LGBT community for longer than it’s been politically advantageous to do

Is there room in your ass for my head, also?

Congrats, you’re a homophobe! Send your address to the Cruz campaign and you’ll be getting your membership card shortly by mail or by post. Lololol.

Um, no. Classic dog-whistle of misgendering and thereby shaming queer men for being the receptive partner in anal sex.

She is shaming him for what our culture perceives to be a gay sex act. This contributes to a climate in which queer men are emasculated and stripped of their dignity (and in some cases their livelihoods, and, yes, their lives) for imagined offenses against their manhood. She and everyone else snickering

Seriously. What a gross and ideologically dishonest way to throw queers under the bus for a quick jab at Kanye. The guy’s an asshole because he’s an asshole to women, not because he dresses effeminately or likes to be fingered. But hey, as long as we say “Who cares? Your problem, Kanye!” as we’re doing it, we can all

Oh, fucking Lord. If you can’t understand how the stigma around a man being penetrated is homophobic (and fundamentally misogynist, which is something you might actually care about), then you’re being willfully ignorant.

His misogyny does not negate her homophobia.

But, by all means, continue to dictate which forms of homophobia are acceptable and which forms aren’t.

Um, taken in context, is it difficult to see the throughline?

If she was “totally sex positive”, she wouldn’t use a sex act to denigrate a guy by tweeting “#fingersinthebootyassbitch”. She is literally calling him a bitch for having fingers in his ass. Verbatim. Why is this so hard for self-proclaimed socially aware people to grasp?

You exonerated her on the basis of his having been offended. Her tweet was homophobic in and of itself. His reaction doesn't matter.

This whole circus is a depressing reminder of how little support for gay issues translates into an actual LGBT-friendly culture. Jez got their gay to write this dreck, though, so that makes it okay. “Sex positive”, what a farce.

Stealing all of this. I'll see you in court!

His abs look like actual larvae are about to burst out of them. Yuck.

As much as it pains me to defend Kanye West, what a crock of shit. If a guy outs an ex-girlfriend for liking a certain sex act, we’d say he was slut-shaming her, regardless of whether or not in a perfect world she should have anything for which to feel ashamed. She’s using homophobia against him, period. Not just his