Ivan Nazarov

I quite enjoyed The Gift. Really one of the darkest movies Sam Raimi has done, and that’s saying a lot. Reeves was an inspired choice for an abusive redneck husband. I never would’ve imagined him in such a part, but he was quite believable in the role.

Still no full name, though

Both Wikipedia and IMDb list his name as Jake Pentecost. Seems like a pretty good place to start.

It took me a second to realize that the bottom middle one from that picture up top was the space shuttle in profile. The rest were pretty obvious, and yes, these are beautiful Art Deco-style designs.

Steve Bannon looks like that guy who dies alone in his apartment in a pile of his own garbage and his corpse isn’t discovered until two months later.

‘Black’ in supervillain parlance is code for, “I’m extreme, man! So you better not fuck with me!” Also, he’s black.

Now playing

Things like this are why liberals can never get a foothold in the red states. The PC crap has gotten so out-of-hand that it’s hard to take some of it seriously, which means those on the outside looking in wind up taking none of it seriously. Pick your battles, people.

Yeah, I feel like we are so used to MTV-editing and everything getting resolved quickly that it has taught us to expect that from everything. I don’t think it’s a bad thing for a show to teach kids that patience is, indeed, a virtue. It might be just what kids need in this era of instant gratification. But will they

I take “How do you mean you don’t wanna go outsid?” to be the girl speaking to the creature. It’s meant to be ironic, because he is already outside from her perspective, even though he’s in some kind of giant cave.

It’s from Dune.

My choice as well.

Fear is the mind-killer.

There is so much meaning packed into that little sentence. In context, it meant that to fear makes it difficult to focus on one’s goals. But it also has a wider application, one especially appropriate in the Age of Trump.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Agreed on all counts.

No prob!

Perfect song choice! Lose Your Soul by Dead Man’s Bones from their eponymous debut (featuring a children’s choir on most tracks—Ryan Gosling is in the band too), if you were wondering. The whole album is great actually. This track, Young and Tragic, and Pa Pa Power are my favorites.

Okay, thanks!

Wait, what is that from? Whatever it is, I’m already terrified.

Ugh. Stop ruining literature, Guy Ritchie!

That’s awesome, Beth.

Yeah, it wasn’t the best, but still recognizable which is all that matters. :)