
Look for my coming illustrated story book for man children, Is Your Mack Whack? Get It Back On Track.

Same. I was just cringing and thinking how happy I am that I got hitched when Match was still relatively controversial.

Once again I'm reminded why I am happy to be relatively old and to have done all the dating crap long before texting and social media.

I'm a firm believer in calling out a kid's shit - and calling it what it is. I also give him dating advice. "Dude, this girl texted you 300 times this weekend. Take the fucking hint already and ask her out." <—direct quote

My step son showed me a text message exchange of his with the girl he's now dating (they weren't at the time). I read through it, stop, and say, "Dude, you're being creepy. You're not funny. It's creepy. Stop it."

He was stunned. "But that's how my friends all talk to each other."
Me: "Your friends are idiots. Even you

Straight white guy here. No - we pretty much suck. Especially if you take us in aggregate over the last 500 years. Most problems are caused by us, or at least made worse by us.

On behalf of my corner of the species, I'm sorry.

Speaking as a straight white guy, if other straight white guys are saying this and not getting at least pepper-sprayed for it, things apparently aren't hard enough.

Now that is MUCH sexier than grid girls in ten gallons of makeup and fake tan in skimpy outfits.


I'll admit i fell in love with many of them girls

Well, I don't know for sure about B-52's, But I know for a fact they have a few of the P-3 Orion I was flying in the 80's and 90's.

The Russians do they have the same set of pictures but with B-52s?

Current Rankings for Gawker Media's Most Hated Employers:

Join us! Be a complete self absorb asshole and ruin other people's fun just because you don't like it. Because you "have" to be in the bar just when everyone else is in the bar. Because 3 weeks out of every 208 is too much for you to endure....

Most extreme beetle title I think belongs to this one:

NOAA has a spiffy interactive tool that lets you explore how the magnetic poles have moved, and how the earth's field has changed over time.

"It's not my fault I have a wide-set vagina"

I bet knowing you won't suffer any real consequences for your actions helps.

How can you be so detached from your own humanity that you could abuse another person like this? And film it and then distribute it?

but the end result was that he decided to boycott THE ENTIRE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA