
Except it isn’t plausible.  Either you knew and did nothing or didn’t listen to people who knew and did nothing.  If you have a public health official on the payroll (you do), then you have been told all of this.

Now instead of a few thousand people dying of this in Georgia in the next 2 months, tens of thousands will die in Georgia in the next few months.

Fuck Brian Kemp.

“I just learned that now, so everybody else has just learned about it now. Therefore I know just as much the experts, so I am an expert.”

From someone who was educated in GA, don’t underestimate our ability to hide the failures of our education system behind a warm accent, hospitality, and great manners. Those traits are a compensatory result of evolution.

Stacey Abrams would have known.

Psychopaths. That’s who runs basically everything these days.

It’s the difference between a public servant who cares and total malfeasance. The information on this virus has been going around for months, to call it anything other than a malevolent baldfaced lie is pure wishwork.

Also at play here is the “I don’t want to know that because if I do I will have to do something about it.”

Possibly, plausible deniability, too.  

“I’ve been basing my policy decisions on willful ignorance that will definitely cost people their lives. But it’s cool, voter suppression and tribalism will keep me in grift... I mean, office.”

No one knew that, it’s not in the Bible.

Ah, another excerpt from Trump’s playbook: The “I didn’t know that” move.

Now playing

Kemp probably thinks you can shoot CoVID-19 to death like he would to any kid interested in dating his daughter.

I have made a big deal in parking lots yelling that someone dropped something while picking up their food bag etc and giving it back to them. I've also picked up cigarette butts I've seen dropped and thrown them back in the car or put them under the wiper blades. One time a woman kept doing it at my apt, so I finally

Which are we going to see more of in the comments today:

One time I turned my radio on and let Rush Limbaugh complete two sentences.

All's well that Orwells.

Dear Katherine,

A woman AND a man of color? Are you trying to kill my father?