
I wish I could rec this twice, one for each of the people who gave you serious responses.

A giant leap for mankind.

It stings just as bad the 99th time you watch it.

^Straight to the top!

Was that some Tommy Lee double bass along with that echo? Amazing, now sell this kid to a big club so we can watch him every week.

Immediately thought of this goal. Maxi takes it, hands down.

This whole place is screaming for a movie.

Take me with you next year.

Holy shit, I salute you.

We'd be fucked without Jermaine Jones. He's everywhere.

Switch to Univision.

I yelled "fucking Uzbek". My wife looked at me like I was Hitler.

He started ice cold but that tackle in the box woke him up. He did his best Goff imitation on that muffed clearance.

Univision! Steady as a rock. Piedra I guess.

I watched the video of them "testing" the pitch, it was a joke. They rolled the ball about ten feet, all wearing suits. Fucking bizarre.

I did the same thing after the '06 Cup. EPL games were starting to get televised heavily and the NBA was becoming watered down so I shifted to watching more soccer. I was drawn to United because they were on every Saturday and I loved Rooney and Carlos Tevez, they were grinders. Although Tevez was gone in two years


The revisionist's Reagan, not the actual man.

If he and Carmelo joined forces with Dwight Howard in Houston, just think of the endorsements they could accomplish.

I'm Ok with this if it gets us to the round of sixteen. U-S and A!