
Bob Hope is the Pope. The valet set up is extra nice.

Agreed, he pulls out some gems occasionally but his overwhelming desire to birth Messi's baby is too much.

Great piece. I knew that island was small. Remember it? "I played in it!"

That's an earlier photo of Marshawn flipping off Bevell for calling a pass on a goal-to go situation. Bevell has a rep for getting cute around the goal line and Lynch's smirk in the video says it all.

A hearty slow clap, straight to the top with this one. Here I am trying to work a Pac-Man Jones strip club joke into this thread and you sweep me off my feet.

Marshawn is by far the most loved player amongst fans. Even with overpaying the mediocre QB the cap situation is good. I don't follow the whitewashed leadership part?

Marshawn's smile. It says quite a bit about the Russel-Bevell-Lynch dynamic.

Anyone else throw up a bit on that Brady squeal-McDaniels hug?

Exactly, what was he about to say. He was shell shocked.

A Marshawn/Gronk Odd Couple reboot. I'm in all day long. Imagine these two shopping for groceries together!

Too soon.

It'll be KJ Wright when he's in formation and Byron Maxwell when he's split wide. Maybe Kam Chancellor can fly in and sever his necrotic forearm.

It still sticks out as fumbles per play and every snap is a potential fumble regardless of rushing attempts/receptions.

2007 was the rule change correct? It was the first year of teams controlling their own offense's footballs.

Bless you my son.

That's clear from the video, empty seats everywhere. People were streaming out.

Cruel and unusual.

Ray, that was a grenade toss not a throw and the surprise is that a Canadian Ginger can toss it ten yards.

I ate it up, it was 58 minutes of purging all the mediocrity we'd endured. It was a punch in the mouth to ESPN, the NFL and every pundit who'd never bothered to cover a West coast team. "Seahawks burn Broncos touchdown factory to the ground" was the Deadspin headline.

Go Hawks