Ivana Cvetanovic

The last two episodes were both pure 10/10 for me. What If? was a 9 or 9.5/10.

I wish I had given up on it, instead of continuing to watch out of habit… I'm close to hate-watching TWD at times. Though I haven't seen any of the last half-season episodes, due to the lack of time and not a great deal of interest, but I may watch them later out of inertia. When you've watched a show for so long,

Which one?

Garrett was a pretty great villain, too.

"I'm not saying he should get a medal for winning under asshole's rules, or that he shouldn't be held responsible for what he does, but you can't put it on people who were crafted into monsters to pull themselves up into enlightenment by their own bootstraps. "
If you had posted this paragraph a couple of years ago or

Radcliffe never said that Fitz wasn't responsible for his choices. All he said is that any moment, any event, any influence in our life can make a huge difference to who we are. People don't spring with a fully formed personality and moral code out of the womb, they are shaped by their circumstances and upbringing and

I knew Tripp would be back because B J Britt was credited, but (unpopular opinion probably?) I'd much rather have Mike back than Trip. He was a way more interesting character. It seems like the writers pretty much have forgotten about it.

Your perception is directly opposite to what the show has been portraying and also what Jed Whedon has been saying in interviews for the last two months: it's a perfect copy of the real world - Darkhold gave Aida the ability to duplicate it perfectly - but with just a few things fixed, the 'regrets' of the 5 people

What's changed is that Garrett is presumably dead (no TAHITI programme, no Coulson resurrection, Garrett never finds the cure) and Ward has been in a happy relationship with 'Skye' for a long time, and he picked the right side this time - if for similar reasons (loyalty to a person rather than an organization). And

What redemption arc? Ward hasn't done anything wrong in this reality, as far as we know. I mean, it's possible he did some unsavory stuff since he was a Hydra agent to begin with, but he's been working for the Resistance for quite some time, so compared to a bunch of other people in the FW, he probably has the least

"We will defeat these terrorists and make our society great again."

That's a really stupid idea. So you think the takeaway from this arc will be "nothing happened, we've learned nothing, let's shoot a virtual reality version of Ward even though that makes us complete hypocrites since he's a good guy and some of us have been doing atrocious things in this universe"?

I'd say trying to get back to Hive is what she is most ashamed of, and getting Lincoln back is what she would most want, going by what we see from her in season 4 (which is what Aida is likely going by as well, it's not like she ever got to scan her brain… which, incidentally, made all those 'what was her greatest

"I still think not putting Daisy and Trip together was a missed opportunity (that and you know, keeping him around and alive). Those two had some fun chemistry."

May had the info about Mack and Daisy because Madame Hydra gave it to her.

Simmons excoriaring Ward for being a double agent is ironic since she was also a double agent for SHIELD inside Hydra at one point.

I would say the exact opposite, since Spike was on the show far longer, and the not being sure how to use Spike thing that Marsters talks about only happened in season 4. In seasons 5-7, Spike had a clear arc and the central role in Buffy's storyline in seasons 6 and 7. Angel was absolutely central to the show's

"I don't get it. What is it? Avant-garde?"

Nightmares has to be there, it's one of the best season 1 episodes.

As opposed to being brooding, mysterious and sexy with a good cheek bones?