Ivana Cvetanovic

And that's different from Angel, how? Minus the accent, of course.

But the question was: Spike or Angel. They were both monsters with a body count in the thousands.

I've never heard of that before. I've googled it and there are discussions about it, but it seems to be an unconfirmed rumor? If she was in it, it must have been a blink-and-you'll-miss-it thing. It just seems unlikely they'd get her to be in it and not make sure people recognize her.

Yes, he was still very involved with the series, making decisions on storylines (like straight up telling the writers that it would be a great idea if Buffy and Spike got together while fighting and brought a house down, literally) and giving notes to writers (as the above mentioned notes about Dead Things) and yes, I

- Season 6 was fantastic. While season 7 was uneven because a lot of writers, including Noxon, were occupied elsewhere (she was on maternity leave), it has had a great overall story that was a necessary follow-up to the previous seasons.

They didn't really always outnumber the male characters. In most of the seasons, they were even, but even that is unusual on TV.

"but it has some dreadful episodes and some horrible subplots in there too. "

I don't see how that works. Angel was not more of a "main" character or "main love interest" on Buffy than Spike was. (I would say if anything that it was the opposite - Spike got a lot more of his own POV and a stronger arc than Angel ever did on BtVS.) Obviously, Angel was the main character on his show but they are

More like 'They're the new love interest of a main character who suddenly gets a lot of screentime AND they have no chemistry with the main character whatsoever".

Yeah, but he wasn't that in season 4 - Buffy was initially hoping for a normal relationship with a regular guy, but he turned out to be an artificially powered up supersoldier at the centre of a massive plot and Buffy got to worry about him a lot.

I think that the main problem was that he was introduced halfway through specifically and obviously to be Buffy's love interest and got a lot of focus and screentime, but Blucas had zero chemistry with Gellar.

Whedon hasn't used almost any of the main Buffy actors since. SMG, Boreanaz, Marsters, Hannigan, ASH, Carpenter, Caulfield, Brendon, Green, Benson, Trachtenberg, none of them have been in anything else by Joss other than their Buffyverse roles. (Though Brendon was apparently a finalist for the role of Mike Peterson on

Jesus, the Marti-bashing brigade is still going? I thought that crap got old in 2002.

Angel wasn't all that wonderful even with a soul. More like, weird mysterious older guy who lurks around and obsesses over a teenage girl, sends her mixed signals and doesn't like to open up about his super dark past.

I think you got Xander's character arc the wrong way round. He was pretty creepy on many occasions in the early seasons.

It could be that he wasn't all that serious about his acting career and preferred to tour with his band. Or he had a bad agent. Or both.

Great interview, but the part about Angel cracked me up. Angel is… an angel?! Idealized partner who'll come and save you?! LMAO What show did you watch, Adam?

It's one of the typical "highschool is hell" metaphor episodes that were typical of early Buffy - particularly S1 and early S2 . And I think it's the best one out of those, with a memorable sympathetic (and human) villain, relatable high school problems, Shakespearean parallels (Shylock!), some genuine creepiness and,

And it would lose against most of them.

I don't agree wit h either. Gellar may not have done that much outside of Buffy, but she was brilliant as Buffy, and one of the reasons the show worked so well. And Veronica Mars, in spite of being shorter, in all around weaker (and I really like Veronica Mars). Season 3 has a bunch of problems and is overall much