Ivana Cvetanovic

This show has more breathtaking twists over half a season than most shows have in their entire run.

The only thing that AoS misses from that list is clever dialogue (it's always been the show's weak point). But it sure as hell doesn't lack great characters or breathtaking twists.

To be precise, the wedding ceremony was conducted in Russian (spoken part) and Old Church Slavonic (the singing part), the latter being the liturgical language of the Orthodox Church. But I think it's more similar and intelligible to people speaking any of the modern Slavic languages than Latin probably is to people

She never cared about any war on Inhumans. Framework Hydra was anti-Inhuman and in power because of the ripple effects on the universe. She just inserted herself as Madame Hydra in order to be the most powerful person in that world, and her objective was always to protect the Framework and build herself a human body

Coulson is the one with the most screentime overall and most screentime in every season apart from season 2, he's first billed and I see his picture as the promo for the show on various websites etc., but I think that, when you look at the storylines and development, Daisy is really the main protagonist.

None of these things in any way indicates that Inhumans get their powers based on the environment at the moment, or whatever. Hive existed for thousand of years. A bunch of people went through Terrigenesis roughly around the same time. Why would Andrew specifically get those powers based on where he was (in a room, on

"Every Inhuman has a purpose" had a twofold meaning: 1) the rational aspect - the Kree initially designed then to have a set of powers that would be useful for their army, and 2) the spiritual aspect - a belief among Inhumans that their existence had a meaning, that they had a destiny beyond being a failed alien

Fitz was 10 when his father walked out. Of course he wasn't the one to turn his back. I don't know where you're getting that from, or what his father being a drunk has to do with it. It's not like drunks can't walk out on their families.

"Went for Quake powers after all"? As if there was some other option? Her powers are a part of her DNA, she was always going to get them when she went through Terrigenesis.

So apparently Garrett was never a factor in FrameWard's life. In real life, Garrett recruited him from the juvie, as he was awaiting trial for arson, with the possibility of going to prison. In the Framework, Hand recruited him when he was already in prison. So, something in this reality prevented Garrett from getting

Fitz had a (pretty shallow, and definitely one-sided) crush on Skye in the first few episodes, but episode 1.6 F.Z.Z.T. turned things around and strongly hinted that he was starting to understand that he may in fact have real feelings for Simmons that are not just friendly. After that, the only time Fitz' crush on

I know, but we don't know if she fixed any regrets by Agnes, and it seems that Radcliffe just wanted Agnes to be alive anx free of tunor.

As pointed out by Galaxion, whatever regrets and wishes Ward may have had have absolutely nothing to do with the Framework, since he is dead in the real world, and Aida and Radcliffe never even got to meet him, let alone scan his brain.

According to Jed Whedon's interviews, they are actually perfect duplicates of the real world people, because Darkhold allowed Aida to replicate the world perfectly.

No, that's clearly not what he was talking about. Daisy knows that you die in the real world when you die in the Framework - it was established in 4.15. And she's clearly not trying to die, she's trying to find a way out.

Because Hydra rose in 2008 (or 2009 at the latest). Why would they want to unfreeze Captain America? It's such a simple explanation, I don't think the show needs to waste time to make that point. (And if it did, I bet someone would criticize it for namechecking the Avengers because it can't get them to guest star.)

Simmons' behavior in the Framework is generally frustrating to me. How did she ever manage to survive a few months in the real world as a double agent for SHIELD in Hydra? She is acting like the world's worst spy, and showing terrible people skills. Constantly telling everyone she meets they are not real, showing

Not just because Coulson became a teacher, but also (and maybe most importantly) because May never killed the little girl in Bahrain.

Lincoln never said people get the powers they need at the moment. Where are people getting that from?! He said their powers were created to fulfill a purpose. It's in their DNA, it's not like it can randomly change?!

Simmons was missing during the early episodes since she was on a mission as a double agent in Hydra, and even when she got back - well, I don't think flirting with Trip was her priority, not after what happened with Fitz in the season 1 finale.