
Perhaps Princess Diana, since GA lives in England most of the time and she can nail the accent. It may be a choice.

just like Wed and Easter are fucking

First of all, I love everything in the series, However, in this finale, the first 10-20 minute back story of Bilquis should become the educational material at school for safe sex practice, HIV, and STD awareness. Bryan Fuller never forgets to let someone know how powerful and beautiful sex can be. She is just like

Scully owned by FOX TV so GA needs to ask FOX TV to say OK for it.

Fuller turned lyrics into dialogs. It is brilliant.

They must have burnt a lot of money to make that animation. It is gorgeous.

FOX TV needs to say ok for Scully part.

I can't believe David Duchovny had time to come back for that role. It would be interesting to see his partner from X-file turn her gender as well. Ms. Molder and Mr Scully in another dimension. I was jaw-dropping to see David as a beautiful woman.

First, I thought it was a plot about relocating the store to a new location from the previous episode. It is interesting to know they actually film in the actual store, not the studio stage.

You must be his die-hard fan.

I don't read the book. I do enjoy Fuller's previous work, Hannibal. I knew this show from the media with minimum knowledge of everything. My suggestion for those who confused after the episode one is just go with the flow. That is how I got hooked with Hannibal. His show is all about non-realism and fantasy and

Maybe Fuller knows about a Chinese old expression, millions of arrows insert into the heart. This expression described an evil person deserves that kind of punishment. When that scene came up, I was screaming. It was so spot-on.

There is a mini 3rd Rock from the Sun reunion between Lithgow and Steward. I didn't recognize Steward until he made that signature face and voice from the Sun.

I know this is a long shot, but in this episode John Lithgow mentioned he has an evil twin brother. With the remaining two episodes, I kind hope that he will portrait that character to remind everyone that he used to play a serial killer in DEXTER.

When Larry said that he wanted Summer's bf to sit on his lap when he was electrocuted, does it mean that he can't stand her bf or he wants to die "holding a hot stud"? I thought it was the former, but it can be both ways because he is gay, right? A gay friend told me once as a joke if he died in a horrible dead, he

Did anyone notice about the car Oliver drove? The driver seat is on the right, not on the left and they drove on the right.

You were hypnotized by it, especially the catchy dialog "Shall we begin?"

yes, me.

You can try American Gods on Starz right after Legion ends next week. It is like an aesthetic TV marathon. Check out the trailer on Youtube.

Finally, someone mentioned Hannibal. When people enjoy the stunning visual effect in Legion, they should have checked out this gorgeous and gory psych triller. American Gods is coming up on Starz, it should be good as well with all that trippy scenes.