
Yes, American Gods is coming up too. It is like the acid trip marathon.

I did mention in my comment from the last episode. Dr. Dick Solomon is back as Dr. Larry Henderson.

Professor Dick Solomon is back as Professor Larry Henderson. He is funny like hell. John Lithgow is Two-Face, the comedical and horror(Dexter).

I know it is lame but when the action sequence with the bullet firing at D and S became still or in slow motion, I thought Quick Silver came to rescue just like the film, Time of Future Past.

Compared with other X-Man villains, I know the role by Aubrey Plaza is not really significant. However, we just started to know David and other characters in season 1. That is why I assumed she is the big bad this season. BTW, only two episodes left.

Can I say Aubrey Plaza is the big bad this season? I thought she was just Dvid;s sidekick at first. I did not realize she got such a big role in this season.

Please show me the black magic, James Delaney. Resurrect your half sister in Season 2.

so much about driverless cars. you will get hijacked wo knowing.
J.S cosplays Falcon from C.A in the film.

After this episode, I kept thinking the storyline of Edge of Tomorrow by Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. They kept repeating until discovering something new moving forward.

Helen and Vic are together so Noah couldn't spend Xmas with there kids. Vic hates Noah very much.

From POV by Juliette, she was in love with Noah, so snowing seemed romantic to her. In Noah's version, walking with Juliette at snowy Christmas made him happy.

don't you think Helen had suffered enough of all these?

Noah wanted to write his new book in Paris in Season 2. I assumed it had been planned by the EP of the show.

The finale was just almost what I have expected. I thought he would have ended up having the relationship with Juliette at the end because Noah had planned to live in Paris for his writing in S2. With another season, I assumed that it was the alternative ending, coming back to USA with her daughter. I am hoping the

I guess they should have brought Magnito in welding back that cruiseship. Haha
Spider web is not enough.

Yes, a guest needs a code the stop all the activities. The episode which William and his friend arrived in the park showed that the park staff asked William to pick a word in case of danger.

Perhaps it is all in the dream and consciousness, just like Ford meeting her and asked her if she knew where she was before their conversation.

From the opening credit scene almost at the end, showing a robot riding a horse, does it symbolize Dolores leading the revolution based on tonight's episode and hold the key to Maze?

When Elsie, the technician tried to test how a black robot poured water in the glass, the focus was on the glass but a giant black dong was there hanging. It is right in the face.

Do those in the control room know their colleagues as a human or robot? In other site, some people suspected Teresa is a robot, too. They intend to have a robot-romance in this series. I don't think Teresa is a robot and she may not be aware of who is robot or a human in this control room, either. She may have had