
Yup, coercion and temptation are sweaty, grinning twins. A fourteen year old, especially one who’s feeling his/her oats and going through the changes of adolescence, wants to feel adult, grown, taken seriously, not treated like a “little kid.” So offers of drugs, of flirting, of photography, of sexual encounters, can

Agreed. I think it’s an effective, practical argument for maintaining an age of consent. No one believes you’re magically endowed with Consent Particles on your 18th birthday, but understanding your own consent, best interests, and when you’re being coerced can only happen through years of social experience with your

“...you can understand how Lori Maddox could have possibly developed not just a sincere desire to fuck adult men but the channels to do it basically in public; why an entire scene encouraged her, photographed her, gave her drugs that made all of it feel better, loved her for it, celebrated her for it, for years. You

Not even close. They got fucking crushed in every phase of the game. 42-32 is just as lost as 49-15.

I remember teaching this during training at work, and so many of the men just got looks on their faces like "I've done that before."

ill preface this comment by saying i was born and raised in Massachusetts (spent 25 yeas in Boston and the South Shore.). This has to be the first time ever that the police have covered up for a black guy.

Can you come by and push my clutch in every morning? It’ll just take a second.

Look at you, Uncle Pennybags

“It’s the (Texas) Christian way.”

Yeah I see all three of them tackle him after the initial flurry, but it’s so hard to see. All I know is I’m sooooo happy I woke up to put every dollar I had on Oregon before the line moved due to this.

Macho posturing is certainly legal. It's also hilarious when you realize how desperately he does not want to fight while pretending he'd like to fight.

I don’t follow his personnel loves that closely, but didn’t he bring in the league leading rusher from the previous year at the second most important skill position? That’s a scrap heap pickup?

“I can do for you what I did for Ryan Howard and Ryan Zimmerman!” is the worst drug dealer pitch of all time.

♫ HGH you work so gooooood ♫

You’re joking right? What were they going to bringing them on the field and assault him? It shows nothing but how mentally weak Beckham is to let this completely turn you into an out of control monster for 2 hours.

Panthers wielding bats are pretty intimidating. Far more so than the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you!

Panthers however use the bat to symbolize “bringing the wood”

I hardly think Ms Palin can be accused of selfless protection of her daughter and trying to "shield bristol or one of her other daughters from being publicly shamed" as she threw pregnant bristol on the national stage at the republican convention. That's about as opposite as you can get from protecting one's child.

Ehh. If this is true I would care, not least because she used Trig as an extraordinary political prop, paraded out in front of her voting blocs to prove that she "fights the hard fight" and didn't have an abortion even though she had a special needs child. She also likely listed him as her son on insurance documents,

You make a lot of good points. The only thing is: if she actually cared about shielding one of her daughters from being publicly shamed, she would not have accepted the VP nomination.