

I still separate the permanent press from the jeans and towels and the white towels and undies go into bleach and hot water, but the other two types go in cold. If something is new and brightly colored I wash it with “like color” clothes until the dye has a chance to wash out a bit.

I have no clue what you’re trying to get across there.

I’m sure that you think it’s a good thing that your 14 year old brain allowed to you justify what this man did to you as “no biggie”. I hope you don’t intend to breed.

Then he’s destined to a life of cyclic “nasty stuff”.

Does he mean “nasty stuff like” not properly educating your kids about sex and it’s consequences, or “nasty stuff like” chlamydia? Because if you eliminate one, you help prevent the other.

“Chlamydia has few to no symptoms, but can cause infertility in women if left untreated.”

It’s bad enough you do that to a woman, let alone a woman who was asleep on the couch when you started in on her. In front of her little boy? Then you take the boy’s phone away so he can’t get help? What a POS.

I honestly don’t know how to respond to this. “Subtle sexism”? There’s nothing subtle about it. I’m no kid, so my awareness of sexism goes way back.

First, I remember when Shirley Chisholm put her name in for President in 1972. I was just turning 11 years old, my brother was 13. We’d been hearing a lot about the

Sorry, dude - "tithe" is whatever percentage your particular church (not religion, not diocese, not local Bishopric) says it is. People who don't want to go there can find another.

They worked it out on the "Mormon plan".

Where did you hear that? All religions require a tithe if you are actually going to be a part of the congregation. For the sweetheart deal of 15% of his income to the Catholic Church they belonged to my dad got a 10% tuition discount on my oldest brother's tuition at the connected school, 25% for the next 3, and 25%

Aren't most of them? I would say "Aren't they all?" but I don't want to go there.

Maybe it's more to do with awareness than with interpretation.

Did Jameis get his Lasix yet?

A thing of beauty.

I know, right? I can't remember if this was because she was squeezing her eyes shut trying to block it out or if he'd knocked her out first.

It's only cathartic for a little while - after a year it's either time to rip them a new one - and suffer the indignation of all of the FB morons who have no clue and think "they were only trying to be supportive!", or cut them off without so much as another thought.

Block those bitches.

Corpse photos are a Southern thing. At least I never saw it until I moved to the South. Every "Visitation" or funeral I've been to since I've been here has a mess of people who take photos of the corpse with their phone.