
The 24-year-old secured third place in his election

Someone who’s still in the closet might not want the Grindr app showing on their phone. Someone who has periods might not want to reveal they have a period tracker app, lest the authorities think they got an abortion.

 Depends on what the aircraft is and a bunch of other stuff.  I once got buzzed by an F-18 taking off from an ANG location.  Saw the “Low Flying Aircraft” sign, knew where I was and didn’t think much about it.  It was a beautiful, cool spring day so I had the sunroof open and tunes rocking when I heard a strange

I just lost The Game.

Oh you mean the guy that almost killed a motorcyclist with his lambo? Hold on let me feel sorry for this guy. Youtubers/influencers need to go away. Stop supporting these clowns

no charges!? people get shot for less than that

The idea is that it’s not special anymore.

When you look up “white privilege” in the dictionary, a hyperlink to this story must be included.  “Wasn’t criminal” to assault a police officer??  That roar you just heard was every single Black guy in American screaming “WTF”?

I always thought it was meaningful in the respect of merging onto a freeway from a dead stop. You may want to know how quickly you can do so in a Geo Metro (answer...eventually) vs. a Mustang (NOW...unless you bounce off a wall first). But I don’t think it is the be-all, end-all of a car.

the officers decided not to file charges.

“Electric cars show up with impossibly quick 0-60 times causing ICE engined car manufacturer to quickly downplay the importance of 0-60 times”

The good news is my “86" is not a “86", so I took some liberties with mine. This is what I use to haul shifter karts and drive daily. Having friends, beer & vinyl on hand make for a good time. And yes, there was an attempt to be somewhat accurate. =)

I absolutely came here to say something similar.  

Doing this destructive shit for clicks...I’m so over it and I wish it wasn’t possible for someone to earn a living this way.

The internet was a mistake.

Yeah, I’m sure you have. 

Was in Rome last month, and the chargers don’t have cables; I’m assuming you bring your own. That solves the problem of copper theft.

Simple Fix: Put the cable reel on the car and the power outlet way, way up on the pole. Problem solved!

I’m having Half-Life flashbacks

Cuckservative really riles them up too