
Not one mention of the classic white panel van?

In the context of the movie:

Three owner Altima bought from a Mitsubishi dealership sporting expired temporary tags and a ignition interlock is the most terrifying vehicle on the road today. It’s the most evil looking because it’s the most widespread and ubiquitous example of vehicular calamity. On paper, it’s boring and harmless. Like a

Haley is no Palin. She’s more experienced, and a helluva lot smarter than Palin.

Because the vast majority of Americans just want someone who is sane, reasonably aged and capable of handling the job.

Maybe you should look into just how much the fossil fuel industry receives in subsidies each and every year.

We’re at a point where we need fucking space aliens to come and save us from ourselves in order to be able to survive the multiple crisis we’re busy creating for ourselves.

BothSiders are the worst. It’s the clearest black vs white binary choice in election history. STFU and vote Blue. 

He understands less than RFK Sr currently does.’s almost as if he straight up asked the oil and gas industry for $1B dollars and promised to squash EV’s in a publicly stated quid pro quo scheme.

if you’re registered head to a poll (and don’t vote GOP), if you’re eligible and not registerered, register asap. No matter what grief you have with Biden or the dems (and many griefs are legitimate) not voting and not voting dem have short and long term consequences that we can not take lightly. 

Lighting a cigarette in perfect time with something exploding behind you is the coolest of the cool. This guy is still learning, but practice makes perfect they say!

And this is why I don’t smoke. Not because I carry lot of propane in my car.

The Orca has more sense than him.

Getting near an orca and it’s calf? How is this guy still even alive? 

Forgive my ignorance, what is a HubSpot?

AI has absolutely demolished my industry (I’m a Voiceover Artist). A LOT of my bread-and-butter; phone trees, museum exhibits, training modules, etc... has been completely supplanted by AI (and no, only a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of the industry is union eligible, that’s not helpful to the vast majority of voice

This framing plays on a fallacy of its own, the false analogy. Presenting economy numbers is for the purpose of comparing one car against another, not for comparing one replacement scenario against another completely different replacement scenario.
