
1. Commit multiple felonies
2. Cause tens of thousands of dollars in property damage
3. Destroy your own truck
4. ????
5. Profit!

maybe someone could find some other kids to break this kid’s legs

I’d suggest going after the parents but I suspect that might not be effective.

Tough call when you put that many miles on a car.  The mileage penalty on a lease can be rough and you are putting a multi-years lease total miles on every year.

You win the internets.

That’s nothing! My Power Wheels was basically worth nothing when I sold it, despite the custom racing stripes I added with Jiffy Marker and Wite-Out!


Train some orca to use Exocet missiles, gotta have some deniability.

This sounds like a job for Team Orca: Ocean Police.

I adore everything about this vehicle and what the team at McMurtry are doing with it. It makes my gubbins fizzy.

Why are you stupid?

It’s almost like you didnt even read the article

You’re asking what a guy who’s been a UAW member for nearly 30 years knows about the auto industry? Seriously? He didn’t step off a bus and immediately get elected UAW president. 

Not during this ride.

Not that it makes much difference in the long run, but you probably want to be a cow on the upper level during the ride.

Australia seems to play fast and loose with their trucking regulations. Quad road train!

Like OceanGate has anything like $50M in assets. At this point, they might not have $500.

Oh geeze...the one time you WANT the Boeing parts to just fall off and they can’t even do that!

Driver was on a mental autopilot, and just plain forgot his vehicle height. Probably his GPS wasn’t configured properly, and he ignored the signs in favor of following its voice. How far into his driving hours was he?