
I agree! More pesticides for all!

My default search engine is Bing because they pay me in Amazon gift cards. If Google wants me to change back I will for much less than Apple charges them, I’ll do it for $1500/mo

The more lanes and highways they add, the more people think “I can do this” and then it clogs up worse. I’m not creating this, it’s fact from the studies.

There are TONS of homeless under there and recently it’s been cold at night, when I drive by any of the numerous homeless encampments in LA at night, they’re burning trash to keep warm.

In looking at the traffic data earlier this morning, I am somewhat pleased to say that the congestion was a little bit lighter than normal,” said Rafael Molina, deputy district director for the division of traffic at the California Department of Transportation.

25 cents/kWh in SoCal.

I imagine employees get their first picks at a steep discount, sometimes 5 finger.

Fuck you took my suggestion!

Always wondered the exact same thing.

When I was a kid, I found ways around the cmos password. I had the protective parent, but kids are always more ingenuous.

They remove uv filters off cheap lighting in China so they can advertise it as brighter. 

I do have a little bit of first hand knowledge on this. A lot of lighting in China, especially lasers, are made brighter by removing the UV filter. It’s a cheap way to make lights brighter, I never bought any of those.

Strange, my m1 mbp with the 16gb upgrade can’t handle a 160mb pdf in acrobat pro, it’s absolutely dismal.

If producers could really go broke on hookers and blow, they’d have every std in the book and be so dried out dead full of coke you could grind them up and smoke them and get high.

Is this from a movie or a photoshop? Which movie is it if so?

Otters can open clams, they can open this.

Is left foot braking even necessary in electric vehicles? Because the moment you let off the accelerator the car immediately starts slowing hard due to insane regen. I have a TM3LR and only need the brake in absolute emergencies but even then, the time is much faster for starting to slow down because soon as I start

Please sign me up for the animal trials.

I switched to Bing a few years ago and have earned probably $30-40 in Amazon rewards. Bings searches have been getting as much better as Google has been declining.

I’m sorry about this. A distant 2nd cousin is like US’s largest usda beef producer. I’m vegetarian. I also don’t see any of his money. I wish I did. I think we should stop growing all the cows and finish up the ones we have left. Same with chickens.