
Yes they support.

I completely agree simply changing colors, contrast, adding a filter, etc is NOT original art.

Cannabis isn’t even physically addictive like alcohol or cigarettes. If these people can’t even NOT smoke weed during pregnancy they are not responsible enough to have children at any point in the child’s life.

I know we have issues between our countries, but what if nasa were to propose a joint venture between China and the US for space exploration. Everything shared equally, cost, manpower, experiments. This will also bring them closer to us and further from Russia.

Yep, there was just that article on Gizmodo on how landfills work, sorry for not linking. They do cover and fill repeatedly.

I don’t think socialism means what you think it means.

Those customers who watched movies and slept decapitated themselves.

The Tsk sound you make when you’re annoyed, kinda like a click or something ALWAYS gets cats for me. They come over if they’re friendly. If they’re skittish in public, that at least stops them and they consider coming over. 

Come to Death Valley during July, at least it’s not humid, the 54c doesn’t feel that bad without water. But you literally will be drinking 1 gallon per hour and not peeing anything out.

You are correct on all fronts. What AI ACTUALLY is good for is assisting us with research. AI answers medical questions more accurately, it can search for exoplanets not accurately, spot cancer, etc. This is what it should be used for.

More stars for you. Great article, give more now before I get stupid again.

Cool looking check and massive free advertising for wells fargo

We’re all for improving your pay, just so long as it doesnt disrupt my tens of millions of dollar bonuses every year and the shareholders get theirs too.

Yet when all these people saw visibility was starting to diminish, they all kept driving 80mph.

When I drove for lyft in LA, I constantly picked up people working at JCPenney, burgerking,, target, etc, and drove them home 20 miles away. They took rideshare back and forth every day for a normal store associate position. I asked. This is why they’re staying poor. Not much common sense. Working a minimum wage job

One smoker pollutes a 50 foot space around them and my throat is crazy sensitive to cigarette smoke. Wood fire doesn’t bother me, but smelling one cigarette across the street from a smoker can give me a sore throat for two days along with a runny nose. And if I get a lot of cigarette smoke, I’ll likely catch a cold

Well attach a small sensor to it that monitors everything it sends and then leave it alone.

Not even remotely. Because every company harvests our data. But it will save me from that fuck awful tiktok narrator voice that makes me want to jump off whatever bridge has the sharpest rocks below.

It doesn’t count if you can put different wheels on it otherwise just put the trash can in the back of a truck. Oh wait, I’ve already seen that faster than this record. And fastest toilet would belong to the international space station or the space shuttle I imagine. 

Have all of those over eager meter maids put those yellow wheel locks on each train wheel when they stop for over 5 minutes. Problem solved.