It wasn't me, sorry

“I was on testosterone treatment due a to a brain tumour on my pituitary gland...”

Just wait till you’re staring 50 in the face.

Fair enough. If you like it, that’s all that matters.

I lived in West Oakland for a short time a few years back. The Mandela Parkway neighborhood, the “Lower Bottoms” as it were, was very much a crime infested sewer. Maybe it’s changed, but last time I was out that way not much had changed. A few of those old Victorians seem to have been bought up and restored, but it

Just from a personal, completely selfish Raiders fan viewpoint: I don’t want them to move (again).

Don’t bother, dude. You’re automatically the enemy and beyond redemption by virtue of the external genitalia you were born with.

Let’s just say I’ve been to a few Picnic Days in my time. :)

Nope. Same system, wrong city. :)

Yeah. 0/10 would not recommend.

Driving around my small northern California university town on LSD one Halloween night.

“Or, to be even happier, just delete Facebook forever and go outside.”

Dude, you’re asking writers with the depth of a coffee mug to do actual research. They’re too busy being overly clever navel-gazers to actually be bothered with anything resembling work.