“Finding a man is as easy as falling off a chair for most women.”
“Finding a man is as easy as falling off a chair for most women.”
Yup. I genuinely don’t understand how Americans parse ethnicity at all, let alone how they choose to name it or how flustered they can get when the real world doesn’t fonform to those categorizations.
It feels kinda weird to be dividing characters in races and first in a game series known for its worldwide cast, because then you start questioning what exact race the multucultural cast is and its all from the myopic perspective of americans who are so focused on their own racial names for things that it gets weird…
Women should be equal, but if they get violent with men, either let it happen or if a man does have to fight back, do it gently, because of the power dynamic. Take the beating, otherwise you’re the abuser.
So we should lie about it when women abuse men because it might make another woman not accuse her abuser? This logic infantilizes women. You don’t need the dreaded, ‘Patriarchy’ on your side to manipulate someone emotionally. You don’t need to be a man to beat or use a weapon on your partner. You’re disrespecting…
So this hack site will give ink to streamers and people who tweet a lot, and you have the gall to question weather or not Seth Green, who has been in film since he was 10, and has created more for the world in one year than you have in your whole life , is actually famous?
I’m really going to need to start paying more attention to this space as it seems to be growing substantially. Sisi Jang is perfect for this kind of coverage. I really enjoyed her analysis of mobile gaming found here...
Okay, Stephen Ddungu here. Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.
I LOVE how at the end of telling people how to live their lives and what “real men” are, he makes a passionate argument to never let people on the internet tell you how to live your life.
Puh-leeze. Give credit where credit is due. It’s Mama Kris who was the guiding force in this idiot’s life. No more, no less.
On the other hand, she could have nipped all this in the bud by aborting that fetus
As a treat, you can still find beidou and xynian in the city after the festival quest and youll find out a bit more of those hints about the ninguangg beidou ship. you are welcome!
Put your thirst away, it’s ungentlemanly to wave it about uninvited.
I really appreciate your Chinese language and cultural insights for Genshin Impact.
Okay. And why spam the comment section of an article not related to GTA in any way?
I loved every moment of story the event had to offer. As well as Shenhe’s whole quest line. (I was a little behind coming into the event and had to do my prereqs!) The stories in Genshin Impact make me feel the way the best 16-bit JRPGs did... It’s just a joy to play. 😌
Lmao, people waiting on purchasing something for a hobby they enjoy for over a year and a half being sad about that fact are totally examples of rampant consumerism.
I’d be more worried about breaking your skull falling off that horse than I would be worried about consumerism
Or the world is on fucking fire and anything we can do to get a god damn moment of reprieve, like by playing new games, is a totally normal thing to do. They also offer one of the best methods for connecting to other human beings in a largely remote world and have for the past decade, something that’s only be…
If it takes 1000 episodes of anime to explain that it’s not cockfighting, then it’s cockfighting.
Big words from the account that posts near constant death threats: