she was one of the minors he did that in front of.
theres docs you can read in game that show they had already found several other people with the same strain as ellie, and in the process of studying it killed them all and were not able to create a cure so far.
it shouldnt be expected for the commenter to have to do homework to reply to a news piece while addressing the report, in a way by reacting the way they did, the commentator point about sisi seems all the more legit. Instead of addressing any of the issues they made it into a thing about being misgendered and changed…
Sonic fans act like battered spouses, they get shit on for years but are always going “see they at least tried this time, we must heap praise onto them before they start shitting the floor again”. Other than Mania that was imediately cut from getting sequels by enraged japanese devs sonic has been trash for decades,…
The MAGA person that tried to throw all her coworkers under the bus while quoting scripture and demanding the game they worked in to be boycotted while misrepresenting the fringe game as a half a billion franchise wants a “fair” earning after being kicked off from every other thing she worked in VA in the last ten…
these fuckers threw in fire in the furnace for all of this then stealthly tried to pretend they also talked about the whole situation they arent even reporting about her MAGA ties.
Places like Kotaku reporting the first VA actions without reporting her weirdass religious rants and MAGA support and dismissing the Bloomberg report about the situation created a situation where a ton of people are harassing Jennifer Hale. Its shameful that you would add the bloomberg report as a stealth update to…
the reality seems simple, shes been fired from hellsing ultimate a few years back as well, shes a major outspoken MAGA supporter, she is quoting bible verses. The 4k offer was probably a low ball to guarantee she didnt return and shes most likely insufferable to work with.
Shes not getting any other VA jobs due to this…
It feels kinda weird to be dividing characters in races and first in a game series known for its worldwide cast, because then you start questioning what exact race the multucultural cast is and its all from the myopic perspective of americans who are so focused on their own racial names for things that it gets weird…
her theme, even in all of those has always been spiders. Shes heavily based on jolyne kujo from jojo whose visualtheme was butterfly trapped in web, but reversed, which is why on her sf4 debut art she is slicing a butterfly in half with a kick.
Juri is the spider and theres been a spider motif in all of those…
sounds like it berates the player and punishes them for playing, while putting all its creative juice in making you feel talked down at.
I did find it odd they kept referencing you as a black creator, it seemed irrelevant to the point, if they copied you they are wrong no matter what race the creator is.
shes literally a socialite, she got famous on a sex tape and made her social life a tv show, give me a break.
If you enjoy that you should try octordle and sedecordle, the last being the hardest one.
They kinda look like the bottom of the scouts uniforms from the iberian region mixed with the tops of the uniforms from the colleges ( same place harry potter based their uniforms from )
This asshole saw hundreds of people dying and went “How could I make this about me?” its like she thinks shes the main character of a bloody movie. Unreal how out of touch people are.
ironmouse is the name of a sailormoon character.