
As a treat, you can still find beidou and xynian in the city after the festival quest and youll find out a bit more of those hints about the ninguangg beidou ship. you are welcome!

“Did the PS5 get it? Did we get $2,000 checks from the U.S. Government in the spring?”

Is this some american bullshit I am too european to understand? I thought this was an international site, I have no idea if you guys got checks or didnt, wtf dude. Cant you answer the question as well after making your us only joke?

your bile is spewing onto reality , thats on you, not on perceived gamers. Social spaces of gaming will soon be a thing of the past and they fostered the kind of brotherhood you are complaining of not having.

They are completely official :
Like it says in every piece of media about these in any of these companies official sites. I have no idea where he pulled “its just a homage” out of.

Its a lie, the writer of the article is misrepresenting the reality. these are completely official and theres even gundam models coming out wearing those. Several posts in pending informed him of this but he chose to ignore them.

they are also publishing gundam kits wearing those shoes

Yo, you are wrong and should correct this article pretty fast my dude. These are official gundam branded shoes and not non official like you keep saying.

Even sucessful projects should have post mortems.

I was very excited about it, till people started pointing out that April is heavily drawn over street fighter animations to a point where its umcomfortable.

I was looking so forward to this when I heard April was in, but now I feel conflicted. While most of the rest of the animations are all sharp and beautiful, hers seem to be heavily lifted from commercial games. She has cammy walking animation, does karin strikes, chunli tensho kyaku, akuma descending kick, every kick

I want versions of all those movies without all those worrysome villains, so I can still partake in the experience without breaking in a sweaty horror everytime a bad guy comes on screen being problematic.

you’re a loony.

Not every media is meant for your personal consumption, if you cant identify or cant consume a certian type of media because something in it bothers you going “this needs to be redone without the parts that bother me” is not something you can shit yourself about. The nerve of demanding a opt out so you can remove

seems clear from the article, even from the words of the guy that did it, that usually they upload a record so others can contest it and he held up until he had enough victories that contesting his results with new attempts for the record would be nigh impossible

your lack of empathy has been registered. when the qas overrun the world you will be against the wall.

The poor woman cant even have a child or buy a car without her father approval, fuck off with this bullshit.

everyone finds enjoyment on their own way, dont people that try to police others enjoyment of a thing when it does not in fact affect them anyway whatsoever, are kind of douchenozzles.

he was on a recent game of theirs,, a kart racer.