Chaim Salomon

Unless he had some long, illustrious war-hero military career it is a weird thing to keep invoking. Dude probably served for a couple years 60 years ago.

I’ve gone through two home purchases and one sale. The amount of time, paperwork, and professional third parties involved boggles the mind. It takes a solid month, minimum, plus easily half a dozen realtors/brokers/bankers/lawyers of one type or another. This isn’t something you just kind of get hoodwinked into when

Yea I’m afraid this is gonna be a “thing” now. Like masks but worse. Not only government bans but punitive taxes on them and of course on-the-ground fuckery like dickheads parking their coal-rolling pickups in EV charging spots and outright vandalism and road rage targeting EV drivers. Not to mention general

I was crystal clear. There are normals who think it’s unnecessary as well as fanatics who likely have some ulterior motive.

There is a weird, convenient symmetry between people who are rabidly anti-male circumcision and who also have really strong opinions about shit like “the Irish were slaves too!”, and Norse religions despite being three generations removed from Scandinavia, and Celtic tribal tattoos despite being 5 generations removed

The GOP sheet music on this will be protectionist trade policies (which has good and bad things) and shitting all over EV vehicles and sustainable/green jobs type initiatives.

I was where Dax is at, about 10 years ago.

+ Abbott Elementary

I think it also helps if there are other stars on set with large enough influence/cache who can keep a Huge Asshole in-check*. It’s easy to see Chase pushing around the rest of the Community cast, including Harmon who at that point was still writing his own origin story and I’m sure in Chevy’s eyes would “only” ever

I’ve had friends tell me that, probably because I’m excellent cook. You know what I tell them? Hell no, because being a great home cook and being even competent at running a restaurant or professional-grade kitchen have fuck-all to do with each other.

Any other troopers who were present and failed to stop Davis from assaulting and kidnapping his ex should be brought up on charges as well. 

I don’t really understand the logic here. Black folks had it pretty rough in this country* so other marginalized groups should too?

You know, you’re right, I could have been a bit more charitable with my estimation around the musician/drifter archetypes.

You know, you’re right, I could have been a bit more charitable with my estimation around the musician/drifter archetypes.

It is an interesting exercise, even if a bit offensive and dated.

Dumping the Discovery Channel crap to the service actually has negative value to me, because now the platform is flooded with garbage that makes it more difficult to find the legacy quality content assuming it hasn’t already been removed.

  • I’m still not clear on how Porowski landed the role of a lifetime despite... [gestures]. He’s likeable enough but the food... c’mon.

Same. I am a cunt hair away from dropping them as it is. I’m honestly waiting for an excuse. Winning Time and The Last of Us are the only shows left I watch anymore and who knows how long it’ll be between seasons. I’d been meaning to get to Raised by Wolves and Westworld at some point but I guess I wasn’t already