Chaim Salomon

As a younger man I used road rage. Of course in my head I never “started it. I always saw myself as karma for terrible drivers and selfish assholes, and I saw my fuckery with them as a form of vigilante justice.

Do you need a diagram to map out the definition of “supposedly” and its context in that quote?

Do you need a diagram to map out the definition of “supposedly” and its context in that quote?



It’s a goddamn shame. The show was fun. I think it got a lot of hate from

It’s a goddamn shame. The show was fun. I think it got a lot of hate from

I think it could work if it was “informal” on its face. Basically just give the younger generation some key committee assignments and speaking opportunities. Or perhaps simply retiring when when most Americans are expected to retire, when they qualify for social security.

This reminds me of the office move a year or so ago. I believe it was mostly accounting but also the fabled Imagineers division was fully centralized in Florida, which pissed a lot of them off. At least one of the more prominent ones very publicly quit the company, and I can’t blame him. I cannot fathom being forced

Or like a racoon drowned in rest stop water tank. I’m not a fan of the water when I visit home but I’m not getting hints of sulfur, that sounds... bad.

Democratic Leadership should have put together and launched a formal leadership nurturing program like a decade ago to handpick successors in both houses of Congress, nurture them, position them for the national stage, and come up with exit strategies and reasonable timelines for handoff. The failure to do so is

I don’t “get” suicide. Like I can’t wrap my mind around it. But I can at least sympathize. The amount of anguish it must take to drive someone to that.

It’s not exclusively the source, it’s the treatment process. NYC invested heavily in water treatment and it shows.

I caught that. Also: “We’re too polite to honk. Also our busses will run you down without a second thought.” 

Recently had a fellow dude manspread me out of my leg space. I’m a big guy and need all the room I can get — I also bend over backwards (sometimes literally) to make sure my bulk isn’t an inconvenience to others. On airplanes I’m typically sitting with my knees pressed together like I’m trying not to drop a penny. Blew

100%. “I work better when everyone else is forced to be here” vs “Everyone should work wherever they are most productive”. 

It is insane how much more productive I am since I switched to WFH. And my quality of life has simultaneously increased significantly.

It is insane how much more productive I am since I switched to WFH. And my quality of life has simultaneously increased significantly.

How important free trade and the US economy are to you, relative to things like consumer choice and/or sustainability.

I don’t understand why there’s a certain strain of white person that is absolutely obsessed with their “freedom” to use that word and becomes absolutely indignant when told they can’t.