
You could aay that about most of the story. *zing!*

I promise you that it’s so insignificant and meaningless, it’s not a spoiler at all.

sometimes big publishers set embargoes for ludicrous times because... I honestly do not know why.

That’s my gut reaction seeing the lead gif, but after reading the story I’m less sympathetic. Did you watch the video of their previous match? Read Philpot’s tweet? It’s not like Bradley did this to some random opponent, Philpot had been taunting him for a while and there is basically a 100% chance Philpot had some

In what world was Doom underrated?

Meanwhile at the Kotaku offices...

Mine just says, “Pay for Nintendo Online and DLC”

But will it brick out when near an aquarium?

Ahhh, that was it! I kept having that issue at the aquarium I work at today. And then I went home and tried to play 1-2 Switch with my goldfish, same thing! Went to my bedroom, though...and it also happened, because that’s where my wi-fi was.

The cosplayer is Chinese?

I think so, considering the character itself is Chinese, the cosplayer being Chinese too is more relevant.

You’re too pure for the internet. Please leave while you can.

Unless you already played it, do yourself a favor and buy Persona 4 Golden when getting the Vita. I have a lot of Vita games, but it still remains mostly a Persona 4 Golden dedicated machine because of how good that game is. I also recommend: Axiom Verge, Bastion, and any of the Ubisoft GO games.

I also hate when video game blogs talk about video games.

Over/under on number of comments in this thread being men humblebragging about how much they make their ladies orgasm and expressing disbelief that other men don’t?

Shh! Gawker doesn’t care about facts!

Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

So where’s the plagiarism aside from the five words “back to you... the people”?

I agree with your points. Not just this level, but the variety in the rest of the missions makes this game way better than later iterations, like H4 (the combat/gameplay in that was so boring, imo).