
Oh, gotcha. My lips are sealed.

Jesus Nathan it’s 3am.... go to sleep

If they want to revive a competitive FPS, I don’t see how making it yet another bland, “pay to unlock the overpowered guns” is going to help their cause. I’d much rather pay $60 for a renewed quake experience than a glorified Blacklight.

Mine just says, “Pay for Nintendo Online and DLC”

You could always play one or two games at a time and then uninstall and download the others. But if you want them all at once yeah, you’ll definitely need a 64gb card.

I still find it ironic that my irish brethren are now the ones protesting against the immigrants “taking our jobs” when, at an early point in American history, we were the immigrants “taking people’s jobs” that nobody liked.

I’m having a bit of a throwback session and playing through persona 3 portable. After the amazement that was P4G on Vita, I’m hoping to finish P3P before Persona 5 comes out in April. (I have take your heart edition pre ordered!)

I dunno, the overwhelming opinion on r/infinitewarfare is that it’s an underrated CoD, and one of the better ones to come out recently.

Yeah, fuck that. Not getting fooled twice by the “carrot on a stick” technique that Bungie shamelessly uses.

Has a Snacktaku review on the food in FFXV ever been considered?

Where do you think the games industry is heading? A good or bad direction? And why?

If this is a video game blog why do you have articles about food? /s

It’s 200 times better then Mei’s Dumbass Snowball Offensive though.

I’m assuming changing the outfit on your character doesn’t change their outfit on the skits?

Picking up where I left off in Tales of Zestiria